To get the latest changes, update to the latest version of the klarna-m2-klarna extension, but whenever making any changes to a shop, we recommend to first test the changes in a non-production environment. Patches aren’t made to previous versions. We recommend using the latest version for Klarna to get support.
To get support, use the support request form in the Admin under SYSTEM > Klarna > Support or contact Klarna’s merchant support.
Please include the following information in your support request:
For some issues, debugging via only logs may not be viable. To enable Klarna to debug, when appropriate, a shop administrator can provide Klarna limited access via the "Klarna Debugger" User Role, which was added in version 2.2.2 (released 2024-Jun-3).
As of version 2.1.2+, you can see this role has been added to the available roles:
Available roles
These permissions are already assigned to the Klarna Debugger user role for future debugging purposes:
Klarna debugger permissions
If Klarna requests access to your shop, you can follow these steps: