Klarna Docs - Wix FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked questions related to the Klarna integration with Wix.

If the payment fails, what is the user experience?

  • Failure within the Klarna Hosted Payment Page (HPP) will result in prompting the consumer to try another payment option.
  • Failure between Klarna and Wix from a technical point will result in an error message on top of the Wix checkout widget.

Will all Wix users receive full access to the Klarna Merchant portal?

  • Yes, Wix users receive full admin access to the Klarna Merchant portal.

Will customers receive payment confirmation emails from Klarna?

  • Yes, customers will receive a payment confirmation email from Klarna, this will include payment instructions.
  • Wix users cannot turn that off.

Is the Klarna Hosted Payment Page (HPP) always in English?

  • No, it will be localized. If there are issues, the fallback language will be English.

How can a Wix user get additional Klarna support once they have been approved?

Are all orders accepted for any customer’s country?

  • Approval of customer orders depends on the location and currency offering of the Wix site. For example, for a Klarna merchant account created with EUR currency, an order with a US customer billing address will not be accepted by Klarna. This customer should instead select another payment method.

Are multiple currencies supported?

  • No, Wix does not currently support multi-currency. The online stores can accept only one currency.
  • Klarna will only accept orders from customers whose billing country matches the store's single currency.

Are all Klarna methods available out of the box to Wix users?

  • No, not all Klarna payment methods are available out of the box. This is region or country specific.
  • Klarna merchant support can assist with determining which products are available in each location for Wix users (e.g. the UK requires an actual lending license to offer financing).

What is the payment delay for Wix users?

  • All Wix transactions are auto-captured (immediately after the order is placed). Thus, the payout delay set by Klarna for Wix merchants is 11 days.
  • Based on your Klarna contract, Klarna charges merchant fees for captured orders. Since orders are automatically captured, Klarna fees will apply for each order, even if the order is canceled in the Wix admin without being fulfilled.

What are the impacts of auto-capture for Wix with Klarna?

  • All Wix orders are currently auto-captured immediately after the order is placed, not when the Wix order is fulfilled.
  • Thus, customers start their payment(s) to Klarna when the order is placed and captured, not when the Wix order is shipped or fulfilled.
  • Auto-capture also impacts the defaulted payout delay for Wix merchants.

Why are some orders in Klarna's Merchant portal but not in the Wix dashboard?

  • Specific to the direct bank transfer payment method available in European regions, there is currently a known issue where if the customer closes their browser window after authenticating with their bank but before fully completing the Klarna payment, the order can be created in Klarna, but not in Wix.
  • We are monitoring data to manually fix these orders, which will continue until a fix is in place.
  • For merchants with previously impacted orders, please open a Wix support request for the Wix support team to manually approve the affected transactions.