Klarna Docs - How to install Klarna payments on Wix

How to install Klarna payments on Wix

This article provides a step-by-step guide on installing Klarna payments in your Wix store.

To install Klarna as a payment provider in your Wix store, follow these three easy steps:

  1. Sign up with Klarna:
    a. Create a merchant account and sign up with Klarna.
  2. Get and save your Klarna API credentials: 
    a. Go to the Settings section in the Merchant portal
    b. Download and open the file. The Klarna API credentials consist of an API username and password and you'll need them in the next step.
  3. Connect Klarna to your Wix store:
    a. Navigate to the Accept Payments tab within your dashboard settings.
    b. Click on See More Payment Options > Connect next to Klarna.
    c. Enter your Klarna API credentials (username and password) and click on Connect.

For detailed documentation of Klarna payments for Wix, see here.

In summary:

  • To install Klarna payments in your Wix store, you need to log into the Klarna Merchant portal with your Klarna Merchant account.
  • Then, get and save your Klarna API credentials from the Merchant portal.
  • Finally, connect Klarna in your Wix store's dashboard settings.