This guide helps you activate Klarna Payments by setting up configurations and credentials in the SAP Commerce Backoffice.
Before you start, ensure:
is successfully installed.1. Navigate to Klarna Payment Configuration: Go to SAP Commerce Backoffice → Klarna → Klarna Payments Config.
Navigate to Klarna Payment Configuration
2. Create a new Klarna configuration: Select the option to create a new Klarna configuration.
Create a New Klarna Configuration
3. Fill in mandatory fields:
Fill in the Klarna Payments Specific Fields
4. Provide additional details:
Fill in the Klarna Payments Specific Fields 2
1. Navigate to Klarna Activation: In the Backoffice, go to Klarna → Klarna Activation.
2. Add a new credential: Click the + icon below the Klarna Activation section.
Klarna Activation
3. Fill in mandatory fields:
Create new credential
4. Provide additional details:
Credential additional details
1. Navigate to Klarna Common Configuration: Go to Klarna → Klarna Common Configuration.
Common Configuration
2. Create a mapping:
Mapping credentials
3. Link Klarna credentials and payment configuration:
Mapping details
Attribute | ||
Klarna API Username | Yes | Generated in Klarna Merchant Portal. |
Klarna API Password | Yes | Generated in Klarna Merchant Portal. |
Region | Yes | Choose from EUROPE, NORTH_AMERICA, or OCEANIA. |
Markets | Yes | Countries supported under the selected region. |
Environment | Yes | TEST (playground) or LIVE (production). |
AutoCapture | No | Enables auto capturing during order placement (not relevant if VCN is enabled). |
Enable VCN | No | Toggles VCN-based settlement. |
Public Key ID | No | RSA public key provided in JWK format for VCN settlement. Recommended: 4096-bit RSA keypair. |
Tips for an Optimal User Experience
Ensure the Klarna Payments iframe is visible and text is legible by using a consistent minimum width for checkout and billing pages. This enhances the experience for mobile users.
1. Open a terminal and run the following commands:
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem
2. This will create two files:
(Private key)public_key.pem
(Public key)public_key.pem
file contents:-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
<bold>Important Notes on PCI Compliance
1. Access the Order
Verifying VCN in order
2. View Order Details
VCN Details
1. Verify Klarna Order ID:
Verify Klarna Order ID
2. Check Payment Transactions:
Verify Payment Transactions
to verify Klarna-specific transactionsKLARNA_ORDER_PLACE
The Extra Merchant Data (EMD) feature allows merchants to send additional customer information to Klarna, such as alternative delivery addresses and reservation details. By default, only logged-in customer information is sent.
Enable EMD
To extend the EMD functionality beyond the default behavior:
with the required data (e.g., customer preferences or reservation details).addAttachment("additionalData", yourDataObject);
Best Practices for EMD and Order Verification
Model | OOB Model | Attributes |
BaseStore | BaseStore | klarnaPayConfig |
AbstractOrder | AbstractOrder | kpIdentifier kpAnonymousGUIDkpOrderIdkpFraudStatusisKpPendingOrderisKpAuthorisedisKpFraudRiskStopped |
KPPaymentInfo | InvoicePaymentInfo | paymentOptionfinalizeRequireddescriptionauthTokenisVCNUsedvcnBrandvcnCSCvcnValidToYearvcnValidToMonthvcnHoldervcnPanvcnCVV |
Class | OOB Class |
KPPaymentMethodCheckoutStepController | PaymentMethodCheckoutStepController |
KPSummaryCheckoutStepController | AbstractCheckoutStepController |
KlarnaResponsiveSummaryCheckoutStepValidator | AbstractCheckoutStepValidator |
KlarnaSummaryCheckoutStepValidator | AbstractCheckoutStepValidator |
KPAddressPopulator | AddressPopulator |
KPOrderPopulator | AbstractOrderPopulator |
KlarnaEventPublishingSubmitOrderStrategy | SubmitOrderStrategy |
KPPaymentTypeCheckoutStepController | AbstractCheckoutStepController |
Use Case | Class | Method |
Create/Update payment session | DefaultKPPaymentFacade | getORcreateORUpdateSession |
Authorize Payment | DefaultKPPaymentFacade | getPaymentAuthorization |
Create Klarna Order | DefaultKPPaymentCheckoutFacade | saveKlarnaOrderId |
Cancel Klarna Order | KPOrderConfirmationController | orderConfirmation |
Use Case | Class | Method |
Get Klarna Payment session | Client | newPaymentsSessionsApi |
Authorize Payment | Client | newPaymentsOrdersApi |
Get Klarna Order by ID | Client | newOrderManagementOrdersApi |
Create payment Settlement | Client | newVirtualCreditCardSettlementsApi |
Delete Auth | newPaymentsOrdersApi | |
Capture Payment | newOrderManagementCapturesApi |