Klarna Docs - Best practices

Best practices

In this section, you’ll find the best practices for Stripe and Klarna integration. We strongly recommend you follow the steps below to get the most value from your new payment option.

We recommend testing the integration before launching Klarna’s payment method in live mode. When in Stripe test mode, confirm that all information requested from the customer is passed through to Klarna at checkout. You can do that by placing sample orders in the test environment and validating the information displayed on the Klarna hosted payment page.

Check out the Stripe guidelines for information on how to best leverage test mode to verify your integration.

Make sure to validate all addresses and phone numbers before sharing them with Stripe. Rejections due to mismatched or incorrect addresses late in the process can negatively affect acceptance rates, so ensuring these are correct early on is critical.

Billing country and billing email are always required for Klarna transactions. Make sure to provide the correct information for all payment sessions to avoid the transactions being rejected.

Order management occurs entirely within Stripe. Here are some best practices we recommend you follow when managing orders:

  • Stripe has automatic capture at order placement enabled by default, which is a capability of limited usage for specific merchant categories. To ensure you’re compliant with our shipping policies and fraud policies, we recommend you issue a separate authorization and capture.
  • Stripe supports only one capture per order. Any value remaining on the customer's order is released after the first capture, meaning you can’t recover any remaining value on that order.
  • When the order is captured, you should add the shipping tracking information. It will be helpful for the customer and is considered a best practice to ensure that the customer can track the status of their order. It also allows Klarna access to relevant dispute data without further contact with your agents.

Usage of automatic capture is restricted to specific business rules and categories. Please refer to out guidelines before enabling this functionality.

All operations specific to your Klarna orders should occur in the Stripe dashboard or with the help of Stripe support.

If you have general questions about Klarna, direct them to Klarna support.

If your customers have questions regarding their experience checking out with Klarna, refer them to Klarna customer support directly. To help your customers find the answers they need without involving customer support, you can include a link to the Klarna FAQs or a small FAQ page about Klarna on your website.

Sometimes, simple errors or miscommunication can cause problems with an order. As a result, the customer might open a dispute with us. If that happens, Klarna will email you with regards to a dispute so you can handle it directly. For more information about how to handle disputes, see Klarna FAQ.

Responding to these disputes quickly and with all relevant and requested information is essential in avoiding unnecessary chargebacks or delays. Please ensure that the email addresses you provide to Stripe when onboarding Klarna are checked and actioned daily. Learn more about Klarna's dispute process.

Use Klarna On-site messaging to raise awareness of Klarna's flexible payment options and other benefits throughout the shopping journey. With only a few lines of code, you’ll have our dynamic messaging up and running in no time. And the result? An uplift in average order value, improved conversion, and expanded customer base.

Klarna On-site messaging isn’t currently enabled by Stripe, but you can add it to your store by following the Klarna integration guide. Contact Stripe support for more information and access. Relevant information and access can be obtained by reaching out to Stripe Support.

Simplify the checkout experience and give your customers a fast and convenient way to shop with Klarna, even if it’s their first time visiting your website. Adding our Express button is an effortless way to increase conversion. 

Express button isn’t currently enabled by Stripe, but you can add it to your store by following the Klarna integration guide. Contact Stripe support for more information and access. Relevant information and access can be obtained by reaching out to Stripe Support, which will also trigger whitelisting of your production URL. 

When integrating the Express Button, make sure not to collect the customer’s billing address again, as Klarna will provide the details back to you in a callback.

If you want to update your store's branding information within Klarna-owned assets, please contact Stripe support. Ensure you include the branding assets presented in the brand configuration guide

To ensure you’re seeing the full benefit of Klarna in your store, we highly recommend including upstream elements to educate the customer about Klarna’s availability. See the available marketing guidelines and campaign assets.