Klarna Docs - Manage orders with the API

Manage orders with the API

Here you can find everything you need to integrate Order management using our API.

The actions you can execute on Klarna orders are grouped into three main categories:

In this section, you can find technical details of the API calls per category.

Here are examples of common errors with troubleshooting suggestions:

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
  • 502
  • 503
  • 504
  • "Temporarily unavailable".
The service is temporarily unavailable. For more information, see our Escalation and retry policy.
  • 500
  • "Unexpected server error".
An unexpected server error occurred. For more information, see our Escalation and retry policy.
  • 429
  • "Too many requests".
We received too many requests in a given amount of time (rate limiting).
For more information, see the Rate limit guide.
  • 422
  • "The size of the shipping_info/shipping_company value must be between 0 and 100".
  • "The shipping and/or billing address is invalid".
The service is unable to process this request. Refer to the OpenAPI documentation to see if the request is valid.
  • 413
  • "Request is too large".
This request is too large. Refer to the OpenAPI documentation to see if the request is valid.
  • 409
N/AThis request conflicts with the current state of the target resource. For more information, see our Escalation and retry policy.
  • 403
  • "Resulting authorization amount 7000 cannot be less than the captured amount 8000 for order. Order authorization cannot be updated".
  • "Order has no captures. Refund not possible".
  • "Order has previous captures. Cancel not possible".
This operation is not allowed based on business rules. For more information, see our Escalation and retry policy.
  • 404
  • "Order 5ef9a5b3-6c08-42e1-91a3-065dcae5c5dd cannot be found".
  • "Capture could not be found. Shipping info cannot be added to capture d25fb1a0-a6d9-4a65-8dac-cd7fb3a8dd24".
  • "Refund ec2119a1-cbb9-40a3-8fb8-ad7b7c109c87 cannot be found for order 5ef9a5b3-6c08-42e1-91a3-065dcae5c5dd".
The requested resource (order, capture, or refund) could not be found. Check if their IDs are correct.
  • 400
  • "Refund ec2119a1-cbb9-40a3-8fb8-ad7b7c109c87 cannot be found for order 5ef9a5b3-6c08-42e1-91a3-065dcae5c5dd".
This is an invalid request. Refer to the OpenAPI documentation to check validation rules.