Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The Order Management API is used for handling an order after the customer has completed the purchase. It is used for all actions you need to manage your orders. Examples being: updating, capturing, reading and refunding an order.
Read more on the Order management process.
An order that has the given order id. Read more on Retrieving order details
Order found
Order not found
{- "billing_address": {
- "attention": "John Smith",
- "city": "New York",
- "country": "US",
- "email": "",
- "family_name": "Andersson",
- "given_name": "Adam",
- "organization_name": "Klarna",
- "phone": "1-555-555-5555",
- "postal_code": "10024-3941",
- "region": "US-NY",
- "street_address": "509 Amsterdam Ave",
- "street_address2": "Floor 22 / Flat 2",
- "title": "Mr."
}, - "captured_amount": 0,
- "captures": [
- {
- "billing_address": {
- "attention": "John Smith",
- "city": "New York",
- "country": "US",
- "email": "",
- "family_name": "Andersson",
- "given_name": "Adam",
- "organization_name": "Klarna",
- "phone": "1-555-555-5555",
- "postal_code": "10024-3941",
- "region": "US-NY",
- "street_address": "509 Amsterdam Ave",
- "street_address2": "Floor 22 / Flat 2",
- "title": "Mr."
}, - "capture_id": "4ba29b50-be7b-44f5-a492-113e6a865e22",
- "captured_amount": 1,
- "captured_at": "2015-11-19T01:51:17Z",
- "description": "Order has been shipped",
- "klarna_reference": "K4MADNY-1",
- "order_lines": [
- {
- "merchant_data": "Some metadata",
- "name": "string",
- "product_identifiers": {
- "brand": "Intel",
- "category_path": "Electronics Store > Computers & Tablets > Desktops",
- "color": "Denim blue",
- "global_trade_item_number": "735858293167",
- "manufacturer_part_number": "BOXNUC5CPYH",
- "size": "4"
}, - "quantity": 1,
- "quantity_unit": "pcs.",
- "reference": "75001",
- "subscription": {
- "interval": "MONTH",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "name": "string"
}, - "tax_rate": 0,
- "total_amount": 200000000,
- "total_discount_amount": 0,
- "total_tax_amount": 200000000,
- "type": "physical",
- "unit_price": 200000000
], - "reference": "string",
- "refunded_amount": 0,
- "shipping_address": {
- "attention": "John Smith",
- "city": "New York",
- "country": "US",
- "email": "",
- "family_name": "Andersson",
- "given_name": "Adam",
- "organization_name": "Klarna",
- "phone": "1-555-555-5555",
- "postal_code": "10024-3941",
- "region": "US-NY",
- "street_address": "509 Amsterdam Ave",
- "street_address2": "Floor 22 / Flat 2",
- "title": "Mr."
}, - "shipping_info": [
- {
- "return_shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "return_tracking_number": "93456415674545679888",
- "shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "shipping_method": "Home",
- "tracking_number": "63456415674545679874",
], - "created_at": "2015-11-29T10:25:40Z",
- "customer": {
- "date_of_birth": "1981-09-06",
- "national_identification_number": "string"
}, - "expires_at": "2015-12-04T10:26:06Z",
- "fraud_status": "ACCEPTED",
- "initial_payment_method": {
- "description": "Slice it (Fixed Payments)",
- "number_of_installments": 3,
- "type": "FIXED_AMOUNT"
}, - "klarna_reference": "K4MADNY",
- "locale": "en-US",
- "merchant_data": "Order metadata",
- "merchant_reference1": "10001",
- "merchant_reference2": "501",
- "order_amount": 0,
- "order_id": "f3392f8b-6116-4073-ab96-e330819e2c07",
- "order_lines": [
- {
- "merchant_data": "Some metadata",
- "name": "string",
- "product_identifiers": {
- "brand": "Intel",
- "category_path": "Electronics Store > Computers & Tablets > Desktops",
- "color": "Denim blue",
- "global_trade_item_number": "735858293167",
- "manufacturer_part_number": "BOXNUC5CPYH",
- "size": "4"
}, - "quantity": 1,
- "quantity_unit": "pcs.",
- "reference": "75001",
- "subscription": {
- "interval": "MONTH",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "name": "string"
}, - "tax_rate": 0,
- "total_amount": 200000000,
- "total_discount_amount": 0,
- "total_tax_amount": 200000000,
- "type": "physical",
- "unit_price": 200000000
], - "original_order_amount": 0,
- "purchase_country": "US",
- "purchase_currency": "USD",
- "refunded_amount": 0,
- "refunds": [
- {
- "credit_invoice": true,
- "description": "The item was returned and the order refunded.",
- "order_lines": [
- {
- "merchant_data": "Some metadata",
- "name": "string",
- "product_identifiers": {
- "brand": "Intel",
- "category_path": "Electronics Store > Computers & Tablets > Desktops",
- "color": "Denim blue",
- "global_trade_item_number": "735858293167",
- "manufacturer_part_number": "BOXNUC5CPYH",
- "size": "4"
}, - "quantity": 1,
- "quantity_unit": "pcs.",
- "reference": "75001",
- "subscription": {
- "interval": "MONTH",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "name": "string"
}, - "tax_rate": 0,
- "total_amount": 200000000,
- "total_discount_amount": 0,
- "total_tax_amount": 200000000,
- "type": "physical",
- "unit_price": 200000000
], - "reference": "string",
- "refund_id": "b2cb4f2e-2781-4359-80ad-555735ebb8d8",
- "refunded_amount": 0,
- "refunded_at": "2015-12-04T15:17:40Z"
], - "remaining_authorized_amount": 0,
- "selected_shipping_option": {
- "carrier": "string",
- "carrier_product": {
- "identifier": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "class": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "location": {
- "address": {
- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "street_address": "string",
- "street_address__2": "string"
}, - "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "price": null
}, - "method": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "selected_addons": [
- {
- "external_id": "string",
- "price": null,
- "type": "string",
- "user_input": "string"
], - "tax_amount": 0,
- "tax_rate": 0,
- "timeslot": {
- "cutoff": "string",
- "end": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "price": null,
- "start": "string"
}, - "tms_reference": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "shipping_address": {
- "attention": "John Smith",
- "city": "New York",
- "country": "US",
- "email": "",
- "family_name": "Andersson",
- "given_name": "Adam",
- "organization_name": "Klarna",
- "phone": "1-555-555-5555",
- "postal_code": "10024-3941",
- "region": "US-NY",
- "street_address": "509 Amsterdam Ave",
- "street_address2": "Floor 22 / Flat 2",
- "title": "Mr."
}, - "shipping_info": [
- {
- "return_shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "return_tracking_number": "93456415674545679888",
- "shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "shipping_method": "Home",
- "tracking_number": "63456415674545679874",
], - "status": "AUTHORIZED"
Acknowledge order. Read more on Acknowledging orders
Order was acknowledged.
Update not allowed.
Order not found.
{- "correlation_id": "66782175-ae05-44fc-9eb3-eeceadbad271",
- "error_code": "NOT_ALLOWED",
- "error_messages": [
- "string"
Set new order amount and order lines. Read more on Updating orders
Authorization was updated.
Update authorization not allowed. Decision is based on order state and outcome of risk assessment.
{- "description": "Added charger",
- "order_amount": 200000000,
- "order_lines": [
- {
- "merchant_data": "Some metadata",
- "name": "string",
- "product_identifiers": {
- "brand": "Intel",
- "category_path": "Electronics Store > Computers & Tablets > Desktops",
- "color": "Denim blue",
- "global_trade_item_number": "735858293167",
- "manufacturer_part_number": "BOXNUC5CPYH",
- "size": "4"
}, - "quantity": 1,
- "quantity_unit": "pcs.",
- "reference": "75001",
- "subscription": {
- "interval": "MONTH",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "name": "string"
}, - "tax_rate": 0,
- "total_amount": 200000000,
- "total_discount_amount": 0,
- "total_tax_amount": 200000000,
- "type": "physical",
- "unit_price": 200000000
Update shipping address. Read more on Updating customer addresses
object (address) Shipping address for the capture. |
Order consumer details were updated.
Update customer details not allowed. Decision is based on order state and outcome of risk assessment. Billing address cannot be updated.
{- "shipping_address": {
- "attention": "John Smith",
- "city": "New York",
- "country": "US",
- "email": "",
- "family_name": "Andersson",
- "given_name": "Adam",
- "organization_name": "Klarna",
- "phone": "1-555-555-5555",
- "postal_code": "10024-3941",
- "region": "US-NY",
- "street_address": "509 Amsterdam Ave",
- "street_address2": "Floor 22 / Flat 2",
- "title": "Mr."
Extend authorization time. Read more on Extending order authorization time
Authorization time was extended.
Extension of authorization time not allowed. The order being expired or cancelled are among the possible causes.
{- "correlation_id": "66782175-ae05-44fc-9eb3-eeceadbad271",
- "error_code": "NOT_ALLOWED",
- "error_messages": [
- "string"
Update merchant references. Read more on Updating merchant references
Order merchant references were updated.
Can not update a cancelled order.
{- "merchant_reference1": "string",
- "merchant_reference2": "string"
{- "correlation_id": "66782175-ae05-44fc-9eb3-eeceadbad271",
- "error_code": "NOT_ALLOWED",
- "error_messages": [
- "string"
Release remaining authorization. Read more on Releasing remaining authorization
Remaining authorization was released.
Can not release when order is cancelled or has no captures.
Add shipping info to an order. Read more on Adding shipping info
required | Array of objects (shipping_info) [ 1 .. 500 ] items New shipping info. Maximum: 500 items. |
Shipping information was appended.
Order not found.
{- "shipping_info": [
- {
- "return_shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "return_tracking_number": "93456415674545679888",
- "shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "shipping_method": "Home",
- "tracking_number": "63456415674545679874",
{- "correlation_id": "66782175-ae05-44fc-9eb3-eeceadbad271",
- "error_code": "NO_SUCH_ORDER",
- "error_messages": [
- "string"
Cancel order. Read more on Cancelling an order
Order was cancelled.
Cancel not allowed (e.g. order has captures or is closed)
{- "correlation_id": "66782175-ae05-44fc-9eb3-eeceadbad271",
- "error_code": "CANCEL_NOT_ALLOWED",
- "error_messages": [
- "string"
Create capture. Read more on Capturing an order
Capture created
Capture not allowed.
Order not found.
{- "captured_amount": 200000000,
- "description": "string",
- "order_lines": [
- {
- "merchant_data": "Some metadata",
- "name": "string",
- "product_identifiers": {
- "brand": "Intel",
- "category_path": "Electronics Store > Computers & Tablets > Desktops",
- "color": "Denim blue",
- "global_trade_item_number": "735858293167",
- "manufacturer_part_number": "BOXNUC5CPYH",
- "size": "4"
}, - "quantity": 1,
- "quantity_unit": "pcs.",
- "reference": "75001",
- "subscription": {
- "interval": "MONTH",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "name": "string"
}, - "tax_rate": 0,
- "total_amount": 200000000,
- "total_discount_amount": 0,
- "total_tax_amount": 200000000,
- "type": "physical",
- "unit_price": 200000000
], - "reference": "string",
- "shipping_delay": 0,
- "shipping_info": [
- {
- "return_shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "return_tracking_number": "93456415674545679888",
- "shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "shipping_method": "Home",
- "tracking_number": "63456415674545679874",
{- "correlation_id": "66782175-ae05-44fc-9eb3-eeceadbad271",
- "error_code": "CAPTURE_NOT_ALLOWED",
- "error_messages": [
- "string"
List all order captures
Captures found.
Order not found.
[- {
- "billing_address": {
- "attention": "John Smith",
- "city": "New York",
- "country": "US",
- "email": "",
- "family_name": "Andersson",
- "given_name": "Adam",
- "organization_name": "Klarna",
- "phone": "1-555-555-5555",
- "postal_code": "10024-3941",
- "region": "US-NY",
- "street_address": "509 Amsterdam Ave",
- "street_address2": "Floor 22 / Flat 2",
- "title": "Mr."
}, - "capture_id": "4ba29b50-be7b-44f5-a492-113e6a865e22",
- "captured_amount": 1,
- "captured_at": "2015-11-19T01:51:17Z",
- "description": "Order has been shipped",
- "klarna_reference": "K4MADNY-1",
- "order_lines": [
- {
- "merchant_data": "Some metadata",
- "name": "string",
- "product_identifiers": {
- "brand": "Intel",
- "category_path": "Electronics Store > Computers & Tablets > Desktops",
- "color": "Denim blue",
- "global_trade_item_number": "735858293167",
- "manufacturer_part_number": "BOXNUC5CPYH",
- "size": "4"
}, - "quantity": 1,
- "quantity_unit": "pcs.",
- "reference": "75001",
- "subscription": {
- "interval": "MONTH",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "name": "string"
}, - "tax_rate": 0,
- "total_amount": 200000000,
- "total_discount_amount": 0,
- "total_tax_amount": 200000000,
- "type": "physical",
- "unit_price": 200000000
], - "reference": "string",
- "refunded_amount": 0,
- "shipping_address": {
- "attention": "John Smith",
- "city": "New York",
- "country": "US",
- "email": "",
- "family_name": "Andersson",
- "given_name": "Adam",
- "organization_name": "Klarna",
- "phone": "1-555-555-5555",
- "postal_code": "10024-3941",
- "region": "US-NY",
- "street_address": "509 Amsterdam Ave",
- "street_address2": "Floor 22 / Flat 2",
- "title": "Mr."
}, - "shipping_info": [
- {
- "return_shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "return_tracking_number": "93456415674545679888",
- "shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "shipping_method": "Home",
- "tracking_number": "63456415674545679874",
Retrieve the details of a capture. To learn more, refer to the Retrieving capture details article.
Capture found.
Order or capture not found.
{- "billing_address": {
- "attention": "John Smith",
- "city": "New York",
- "country": "US",
- "email": "",
- "family_name": "Andersson",
- "given_name": "Adam",
- "organization_name": "Klarna",
- "phone": "1-555-555-5555",
- "postal_code": "10024-3941",
- "region": "US-NY",
- "street_address": "509 Amsterdam Ave",
- "street_address2": "Floor 22 / Flat 2",
- "title": "Mr."
}, - "capture_id": "4ba29b50-be7b-44f5-a492-113e6a865e22",
- "captured_amount": 1,
- "captured_at": "2015-11-19T01:51:17Z",
- "description": "Order has been shipped",
- "klarna_reference": "K4MADNY-1",
- "order_lines": [
- {
- "merchant_data": "Some metadata",
- "name": "string",
- "product_identifiers": {
- "brand": "Intel",
- "category_path": "Electronics Store > Computers & Tablets > Desktops",
- "color": "Denim blue",
- "global_trade_item_number": "735858293167",
- "manufacturer_part_number": "BOXNUC5CPYH",
- "size": "4"
}, - "quantity": 1,
- "quantity_unit": "pcs.",
- "reference": "75001",
- "subscription": {
- "interval": "MONTH",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "name": "string"
}, - "tax_rate": 0,
- "total_amount": 200000000,
- "total_discount_amount": 0,
- "total_tax_amount": 200000000,
- "type": "physical",
- "unit_price": 200000000
], - "reference": "string",
- "refunded_amount": 0,
- "shipping_address": {
- "attention": "John Smith",
- "city": "New York",
- "country": "US",
- "email": "",
- "family_name": "Andersson",
- "given_name": "Adam",
- "organization_name": "Klarna",
- "phone": "1-555-555-5555",
- "postal_code": "10024-3941",
- "region": "US-NY",
- "street_address": "509 Amsterdam Ave",
- "street_address2": "Floor 22 / Flat 2",
- "title": "Mr."
}, - "shipping_info": [
- {
- "return_shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "return_tracking_number": "93456415674545679888",
- "shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "shipping_method": "Home",
- "tracking_number": "63456415674545679874",
Extend the customer's payment due date. Read more on Extending customer due dates
Due date was extended.
Extension of due date is not possible.
Order or capture not found.
{- "number_of_days": 0
{- "correlation_id": "string",
- "error_code": "string",
- "error_messages": [
- "string"
Get merchant fees for extension of due date due date
Available options found for capture.
Order or capture not found.
{- "currency": "usd",
- "options": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "number_of_days": 0
Add shipping info to a capture. Read more on Adding shipping info
required | Array of objects (shipping_info) [ 1 .. 500 ] items New shipping info. Maximum: 500 items. |
Shipping information was appended.
Order has no captures.
Order or capture not found.
{- "shipping_info": [
- {
- "return_shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "return_tracking_number": "93456415674545679888",
- "shipping_company": "dhl-express",
- "shipping_method": "Home",
- "tracking_number": "63456415674545679874",
{- "correlation_id": "66782175-ae05-44fc-9eb3-eeceadbad271",
- "error_code": "NOT_ALLOWED",
- "error_messages": [
- "string"
Trigger resend of customer communication. Read more on Resending customer communication
Send out was triggered
Order has no captures.
Order or capture not found.
{- "correlation_id": "66782175-ae05-44fc-9eb3-eeceadbad271",
- "error_code": "NOT_ALLOWED",
- "error_messages": [
- "string"
Create a refund. Read more on Refunds
Refund created
Refund not allowed
Order not found.
{- "description": "string",
- "order_lines": [
- {
- "merchant_data": "Some metadata",
- "name": "string",
- "product_identifiers": {
- "brand": "Intel",
- "category_path": "Electronics Store > Computers & Tablets > Desktops",
- "color": "Denim blue",
- "global_trade_item_number": "735858293167",
- "manufacturer_part_number": "BOXNUC5CPYH",
- "size": "4"
}, - "quantity": 1,
- "quantity_unit": "pcs.",
- "reference": "75001",
- "subscription": {
- "interval": "MONTH",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "name": "string"
}, - "tax_rate": 0,
- "total_amount": 200000000,
- "total_discount_amount": 0,
- "total_tax_amount": 200000000,
- "type": "physical",
- "unit_price": 200000000
], - "reference": "string",
- "refunded_amount": 200000000
{- "credit_invoice": true,
- "description": "The item was returned and the order refunded.",
- "order_lines": [
- {
- "merchant_data": "Some metadata",
- "name": "string",
- "product_identifiers": {
- "brand": "Intel",
- "category_path": "Electronics Store > Computers & Tablets > Desktops",
- "color": "Denim blue",
- "global_trade_item_number": "735858293167",
- "manufacturer_part_number": "BOXNUC5CPYH",
- "size": "4"
}, - "quantity": 1,
- "quantity_unit": "pcs.",
- "reference": "75001",
- "subscription": {
- "interval": "MONTH",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "name": "string"
}, - "tax_rate": 0,
- "total_amount": 200000000,
- "total_discount_amount": 0,
- "total_tax_amount": 200000000,
- "type": "physical",
- "unit_price": 200000000
], - "reference": "string",
- "refund_id": "b2cb4f2e-2781-4359-80ad-555735ebb8d8",
- "refunded_amount": 0,
- "refunded_at": "2015-12-04T15:17:40Z"