GuideKlarna Standalone WebViewKlarnaStandaloneWebView is a new component embedded in the KlarnaMobileSDK to provide an easier integration way to enable Klarna features inside your app. It is a "WebView" with some modifications to allow Klarna to show and render content keeping the native feel of the app.
In this step-by-step guide you will learn how to integrate the KlarnaStandaloneWebView into your iOS app.
GuideUsing the Mobile SDK on iOSThese are our iOS-specific guides for the Mobile SDK. We currently have guides to get you started, to integrate Klarna Payments and to perform a hybrid integration.
GuideKlarna Payments in native apps without SDKThis section content outline known issues when integrating Klarna Payments in the merchant iOS and Android Apps without Klarna SDK. Providing a troubleshooting guide and recommended actions and implementation patterns for your app developers to ensure that Klarna Payments flow works properly.