Klarna Docs
Overview & Concepts
The Mobile SDK offers a broad selection of integration options (and more are coming up!). If you’re familiar with Klarna’s products, you can head directly to each platform’s getting started guide. If not, we’ve got a few guides below to introduce you to all our options and how they work.
Klarna payments SDK reference
This is the library reference for the Klarna payments JavaScript SDK. Here you can find a description of the different methods, their required parameters, and their returns.
JavaScript SDK events
Learn about the events exposed by On-site messaging.
Klarna Payments in native apps without SDK
This section content outline known issues when integrating Klarna Payments in the merchant iOS and Android Apps without Klarna SDK. Providing a troubleshooting guide and recommended actions and implementation patterns for your app developers to ensure that Klarna Payments flow works properly.
Klarna Standalone WebView Overview
Klarna Standalone WebView is a customized view you can add to your Android or iOS app to display Klarna-specific content. Behind the scenes it does quite a few things to make it easier to render and work with Klarna-related content.,,The functionality of it is equivalent to Hybrid integration but it's a lot simpler integration and work just like the platforms WebView solutions with enhancements for Klarna products.
The Mobile SDK and Webviews
This article will walk you through what web views are, how the SDK works and how it uses them, and why you should use the SDK to integrate Klarna's products into your application instead of doing it yourself.
Klarna Standalone WebView
KlarnaStandaloneWebView is a new component embedded in the KlarnaMobileSDK to provide an easier integration way to enable Klarna features inside your app. It is a "WebView" with some modifications to allow Klarna to show and render content keeping the native feel of the app.,In this step-by-step guide you will learn how to integrate the KlarnaStandaloneWebView into your iOS app.
Klarna standalone WebView integration
In this step-by-step guide you will learn how to integrate the KlarnaStandaloneWebView into your Android app.
Klarna Checkout
This guide walks you through the steps required to add Klarna Checkout to your React Native app. In this guide, we will cover:,- Adding the dependency for the KlarnaCheckoutView component,- Rendering a KlarnaCheckoutView,- Operating on a KlarnaCheckoutView
Klarna WebView
This guide will walk you through the steps required to add the Klarna WebView to your React Native app and how to use it.,We will cover:,- Adding the Klarna WebView dependency,- Rendering a Klarna WebView,- Operating on a Klarna WebView
Integrate using Klarna Web SDK
Here you can find the steps, examples, and code snippets you require for On-site messaging integration using our JavaScript library.