Klarna Docs - Payment descriptors
Payment descriptors

Find the latest Klarna payment descriptors per region and translations.

Payment category column in the tables below is what will be returned in the response to the create_session request as payment_method_categories.identifier

The copies provided in the column for respective locale (en-US, es_ES, en-BE, etc.) is what will be returned in the response to the create_session request as payment_method_categories.name

Payment CategoryEN-ATDE-AT
pay_nowPay in full todaySofort bezahlen
pay_laterPay laterSpäter bezahlen
pay_over_timeSpread the costTeile die Kosten auf
klarnaPay flexiblyFlexibel bezahlen

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Pay flexibly
Pay now, in 30 days, in 3 interest-free installments of xx.xx €, or as low as xx.xx €/month. Interest may apply.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Spread the cost
Pay in 3 interest-free installments of xx.xx €, or as low as xx.xx €/month. Interest may apply.
  • German
Three options approachSingle option approach
Sofort bezahlen
Bezahle sicher per Sofortüberweisung, Lastschrift oder mit Karte.
Flexibel bezahlen
Bezahle sicher per Sofortüberweisung, Lastschrift oder mit Karte, in bis zu 30 Tagen, in 3 zinsfreien Teilzahlungen zu je xx,xx € oder ab xx,xx € pro Monat. Zinsen können anfallen.
Später bezahlen
Bezahle in bis zu 30 Tagen.
Teile die Kosten auf
Bezahle in 3 zinsfreien Teilzahlungen zu je xx,xx € oder ab xx,xx € pro Monat. Zinsen können anfallen.
Payment CategoryEN-BENL-BEFR-BE
pay_nowPay in full todayBetaal nuPayez maintenant
pay_laterPay laterBetaal laterPayez plus tard
klarnaPay with KlarnaBetaal met KlarnaPayez avec Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Pay with Klarna
Pay now or in 30 days.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
  • Dutch
Three options approachSingle option approach
Betaal nu
Betaal het hele bedrag vandaag.
Betaal met Klarna
Betaal het hele bedrag vandaag of binnen 30 dagen.
Betaal later
Betaal binnen 30 dagen.
  • French
Three options approachSingle option approach
Payez maintenant
Payez la totalité aujourd'hui.
Payez avec Klarna
Payez la totalité aujourd’hui ou dans 30 jours.
Payez plus tard
Payez dans 30 jours.
Payment CategoryEN-CZCS-CZ
pay_nowPay in full todayZaplať teď
pay_laterPay laterZaplať později
pay_over_timePay in 3Zaplať ve 3 platbách
klarnaFlexible payments with KlarnaFlexibilní platby s Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x.xx kč.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of x.xx kč.
  • Czech
Three options approachSingle option approach
Zaplať teď
Zaplať celou část dnes.
Flexibilní platby s Klarnou.
Zaplať celou část dnes, za 30 dní, nebo ve 3 platbách ve výši x.xx kč.
Zaplať později
Zaplať za 30 dní.
Zaplať ve 3 platbách
Zaplať ve 3 platbách ve výši x.xx kč.
Payment CategoryEN-DKDK-DK
pay_nowPay in full todayBetal nu
pay_laterPay laterBetal senere
pay_over_timePay in 3Betal i 3 dele
klarnaPay with KlarnaBetal med Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Pay with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x,xx kr.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of x,xx kr.
  • Danish
Three options approachSingle option approach
Betal nu
Betal hele beløbet i dag.
Betal med Klarna
Betal hele beløbet nu, i 3 dele af x,xx kr., eller om 30 dage. Rentefrit.
Betal senere
Betal om 30 dage.
Betal i 3 dele
Betal i 3 dele af x,xx kr.
Payment CategoryEN-FIFI-FISV-FI
pay_nowOnline banking and card-paymentVerkkopankki- ja korttimaksuBank- och kortbetalning
pay_laterPay laterMaksa myöhemminBetala senare
klarnaPay with KlarnaMaksa KlarnallaBetala med Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Online banking and card payment
Pay in full today.
Pay with Klarna
Pay in full today, in 30 days, or as low as x.xx €/month.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay as low as x.xx €/month.
  • Finnish
Three options approachSingle option approach
Verkkopankki- ja korttimaksu
Maksa heti.
Maksa Klarnalla
Maksa heti, 30 päivässä tai erissä alkaen x.xx €/kuukausi.
Maksa myöhemmin
Maksa 30 päivässä.
Maksa erissä alkaen x.xx €/kuukausi.
  • Swedish
Three options approachSingle option approach
Bank- och kortbetalning
Betala hela beloppet idag.
Betala med Klarna
Betala hela beloppet idag, om 30 dagar, eller så lite som x.xx €/månad.
Betala senare
Betala om 30 dagar.
Betala så lite som x.xx €/månad.
Payment CategoryEN-FRFR-FR
pay_nowPay in full todayPayez maintenant
pay_laterPay laterPayez plus tard
pay_over_timePay in 3Payez en 3 fois
klarnaFlexible payments with KlarnaPaiements flexibles avec Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x.xx€.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of x.xx€.
  • French
Three options approachSingle option approach
Payez maintenant
Payez la totalité aujourd'hui.
Paiements flexibles avec Klarna
Payez la totalité aujourd'hui, dans 30 jours ou en 3 versements de x.xx€.
Payez plus tard
Payez dans 30 jours.
Payez en 3 fois
Payez en 3 versements de x.xx€.
Payment CategoryEN-DEDE-DE
pay_nowPay in full todaySofort bezahlen
pay_laterPay laterSpäter bezahlen
pay_over_timeSpread the costTeile die Kosten auf
klarnaPay flexiblyFlexibel bezahlen

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Pay flexibly
Pay now, in 30 days, in 3 interest-free installments of xx.xx €, or as low as xx.xx €/month. Interest may apply.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Spread the cost
Pay in 3 interest-free installments of xx.xx €, or as low as xx.xx €/month. Interest may apply.
  • German
Three options approachSingle option approach
Sofort bezahlen
Bezahle sicher per Sofortüberweisung, Lastschrift oder mit Karte.
Flexibel bezahlen
Bezahle sicher per Sofortüberweisung, Lastschrift oder mit Karte, in bis zu 30 Tagen, in 3 zinsfreien Teilzahlungen zu je xx,xx € oder ab xx,xx € pro Monat. Zinsen können anfallen.
Später bezahlen
Bezahle in bis zu 30 Tagen.
Teile die Kosten auf
Bezahle in 3 zinsfreien Teilzahlungen zu je xx,xx € oder ab xx,xx € pro Monat. Zinsen können anfallen.
Payment CategoryEN-GREL-GR
pay_nowPay in full todayΠληρωμή τώρα
pay_laterPay laterΠληρωμή αργότερα
pay_over_timePay in 3Πληρωμή σε 3 άτοκες δόσεις
klarnaFlexible payments with KlarnaΕυέλικτες πληρωμές με Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x.xx€.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of x.xx€.
  • Greek
Three options approachSingle option approach
Πληρωμή τώρα
Πληρώστε τώρα όλο το ποσό.
Ευέλικτες πληρωμές με Klarna
Πληρώστε τώρα όλο το ποσό ή σε 30 ημέρες ή σε 3 άτοκες δόσεις των x.xx€.
Πληρωμή αργότερα
Πληρώστε σε 30 ημέρες.
Πληρωμή σε 3 άτοκες δόσεις
Πληρώστε σε 3 άτοκες δόσεις των x.xx€.
Payment CategoryEN-HUHU-HU
pay_nowPay in full todayFizess most<
pay_laterPay laterFizess később
pay_over_timePay in 3Fizess 3 részletben
klarnaFlexible payments with KlarnaRugalmas fizetési lehetőségek a Klarnával

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x.xx Ft.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of x.xx Ft.
  • Hungarian
Three options approachSingle option approach
Fizess most
Fizesd ki a teljes összeget most.
Rugalmas fizetési lehetőségek a Klarnával
Fizess ki a teljes összeget most, 30 napon belül, vagy 3 x.xx Ft-os részletben.
Fizess később
Fizess 30 napon belül.
Fizess 3 részletben
Fizess 3 x.xx Ft-os részletben.
Payment CategoryEN-IE
pay_nowPay in full today
pay_laterPay later
pay_over_timePay in 3
klarnaFlexible payments with Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now or in 3 installments of €x.xx.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of €x.xx.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Payment CategoryEN-ITIT-IT
pay_nowPay in full todayPaga ora
pay_laterPay laterPaga dopo
  • Pay in 3 (without financing
  • Pay over time (with financing)
  • Paga in 3 rate (without financing)
  • Paga a rate (with financing)
klarnaFlexible payments with KlarnaPagamenti flessibili con Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English - without financing
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x.xx€.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of x.xx€.
  • English - with financing
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, in 3 installments of x.xx€, or as low as x.xx€/month.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay over time
Pay in 3 installments of x.xx€ or as low as x.xx€/month.
  • Italian - without financing
Three options approachSingle option approach
Paga ora
Paga tutto oggi.
Pagamenti flessibili con Klarna
Paga tutto oggi, dopo 30 giorni o in 3 rate da x.xx€.
Paga dopo
Paga dopo 30 giorni.
Paga in 3 rate
Paga in 3 rate da x.xx€.
  • Italian - with financing
Three options approachSingle option approach
Paga ora
Paga tutto oggi.
Pagamenti flessibili con Klarna
Paga tutto oggi, dopo 30 giorni, in 3 rate da x.xx€ o a partire da x.xx€/mese.
Paga dopo
Paga dopo 30 giorni.
Paga a rate
Paga in 3 rate da x.xx€ o a partire da x.xx€/mese.
Payment CategoryEN-NLNL-NL
pay_nowPay in full todayBetaal nu
pay_laterPay laterBetal later
pay_over_timePay in 3Betaal in 3 delen
klarnaPay with KlarnaBetaal met Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Pay with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of € X,XX.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of € X,XX.
  • Dutch
Three options approachSingle option approach
Betaal nu
Betaal het hele bedrag vandaag.
Betaal met Klarna
Betaal het hele bedrag vandaag, binnen 30 dagen, of in 3 delen van € X,XX.
Betaal later
Betaal binnen 30 dagen.
Betaal in 3 delen
Betaal in 3 delen van € X,XX.
Payment CategoryEN-NONO-NO
pay_nowPay in full todayBetal nå
pay_laterPay laterBetal senere
klarnaPay with KlarnaBetal med Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Pay with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, in 3 installments of x,xx kr or as low as x,xx kr/month.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3 installments of x,xx kr or as low as x,xx kr/month.
  • Norwegian
Three options approachSingle option approach
Betal nå
Betal hele beløpet idag.
Betal med Klarna
Betal nå, om 30 dager, i 3 deler à x,xx kr eller fra x,xx kr per måned.
Betal senere
Betal om 30 dager.
Betal i 3 deler à x,xx kr eller fra x,xx kr per måned.
Payment CategoryEN-PLPL-PL
pay_nowPay in full todayZapłać teraz
pay_laterPay laterZapłać później
pay_over_timePay in 3Zapłać w 3 ratach
klarnaFlexible payments with KlarnaElastyczne płatności z Klarną

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x,xx zl.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 interest-free installments of x,xx zl.
  • Polish
Three options approachSingle option approach
Zapłać teraz
Zapłać całość dzisiaj.
Elastyczne płatności z Klarną
Zapłać całość dzisiaj, za 30 dni lub w 3 ratach po x,xx zl.
Zapłać później
Zapłać za 30 dni.
Zapłać w 3 ratach
Płatność w 3 ratach po x,xx zl.
Payment CategoryEN-PTPT-PT
pay_nowPay in full todayPaga agora
pay_laterpay laterPaga mais tarde
pay_over_timePay in 3Paga em 3 prestações
klarnaFlexible payments with KlarnaPagamentos flexíveis com Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x,xx €.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of x,xx €.
  • Portuguese
Three options approachSingle option approach
Paga agora
Paga hoje na totalidade.
Pagamentos flexíveis com Klarna
Paga agora, a 30 dias ou em 3 prestações de x,xx €.
Paga mais tarde
Paga a 30 dias.
Paga em 3 prestações
Paga em 3 prestações de x,xx €.
Payment CategoryEN-RORO-RO
pay_nowPay in full todayPlătește acum
pay_laterPay laterPlătește mai târziu
pay_over_timePay in 3Plătește în 3
klarnaFlexible payments with Klarna>Plăți flexibile cu Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x,xx lei.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of x,xx lei.
  • Romanian
Three options approachSingle option approach
Plătește acum
Plătește integral astǎzi.
Plăți flexibile cu Klarna
Plătește acum, în 30 de zile sau în 3 rate în valoare de x,xx lei.
Plătește mai târziu
Plătește în 30 de zile.
Plătește în 3
Plătește în 3 rate în valoare de x,xx lei.
Payment CategoryEN-SKSK-SK
pay_nowPay in full todayZaplať teraz
pay_laterPay laterZaplaťneskôr
pay_over_timePay in 3Zaplať v 3 platbách
klarnaFlexible payments with KlarnaFlexibilné platby s Klarnou

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x,xx €.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of x,xx €.
  • Slovak
Three options approachSingle option approach
Zaplať teraz
Zaplať celú čiastku dnes.
Flexibilné platby s Klarnou
Zaplať celú čiastku dnes, za 30 dní, alebo v 3 bezúročných platbách po x,xx €.
Zaplať za 30 dní.
Zaplať v 3 platbáchZaplať v 3 bezúročných platbách po x,xx €.
Payment CategoryEN-ES (without financing)ES-ES (without financing)
pay_nowPay in full todayPaga el total hoy
pay_laterPay laterPaga más tarde
  • Pay in 3 (without financing)
  • Divide el coste (without financing)
klarnaFlexible payments with KlarnaPagos flexibles con Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English without financing
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, or in 3 installments of x.xx €.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3
Pay in 3 installments of x.xx €.
  • Spanish without financing
Three options approachSingle option approach
Paga el total hoy
Sin comisiones ni intereses.
Pagos flexibles con Klarna
Paga el total hoy, paga en 30 días o en 3 plazos de X.XX €.
Paga más tarde
Paga en 30 días.
Divide el coste
Paga en 3 plazos de X.XX €.
  • English with financing
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, in 3 installments of x.xx€ or as low as x.xx€/month.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 3 installments of x.xx€ or as low as x.xx€/month.
  • Spanish with financing
Three options approachSingle option approach
Paga el total hoy
Sin comisiones ni intereses.
Pagos flexibles con Klarna
Paga ahora, en 30 días, en 3 plazos de x,xx €, o desde x,xx € /mes.
Paga más tarde
Paga en 30 días.
Divide el coste
Paga en 3 plazos de X.XX € o desde x,xx € /mes.
Payment CategoryEN-SESV-SE
pay_nowPay in full todayBetala direkt
pay_laterPay laterBetala senare
pay_over_timeFinancingDela upp
klarnaPay with KlarnaBetala med Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Pay with Klarna
Pay now,  in 3 installments of x.xx kr or as low as x.xx kr/month, in 30 days or with monthly invoice.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days or with monthly invoice.
Pay in 3 installments of x.xx kr or as low as x.xx kr/month.
  • Swedish
Three options approachSingle option approach
Betala direkt
Betala hela beloppet idag.
Betala med Klarna
Betala hela beloppet idag, i 3 delar om x.xx kr eller från x.xx kr/månad, inom 30 dagar eller med månadsfaktura.
Betala senare
Betala om 30 dagar eller med månadsfaktura.
Dela upp
Betala i 3 delar om x.xx kr eller från x.xx kr/månad.
Payment CategoryEN-CHDE-CHFR-CHIT-CH
pay_nowPay in full todaySofort bezahlenPayer maintenantPaga ora
pay_laterPay later<Später bezahlenPayer dans 30 joursPaga dopo
pay_over_time3 interest-free installments3 zinsfreie TeilzahlungenPayer en 3 fois sans fraisDividi il costo
klarnaPay with KlarnaFlexibel bezahlenPaiements flexibles avec KlarnaPaga con Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Pay with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days or over two months.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
3 interest-free installments
Pay over two months.
  • German
Three options approachSingle option approach
Sofort bezahlen
Bezahle sicher und schnell per Sofortüberweisung.
Flexibel bezahlen
Bezahle sicher und schnell per Sofortüberweisung, in bis zu 30 Tagen oder über zwei Monate.
Später bezahlen
Bezahle in bis zu 30 Tagen.
3 zinsfreie Teilzahlungen
Bezahle über zwei Monate.
  • French
Three options approachSingle option approach
Payer maintenant
Payer la totalité aujourd’hui.
Paiements flexibles avec Klarna
Payer la totalité aujourd’hui, plus tard ou en 3 versements.
Payer dans 30 jours
Payer plus tard.
Payer en 3 fois sans frais
Payer en 3 versements.
  • Italian
Three options approachSingle option approach
Paga ora
Paga tutto oggi.
Paga con Klarna
Paga tutto oggi, dopo 30 giorni o in 3 rate senza interessi.
Paga dopo
Paga dopo 30 giorni.
Dividi il costo
Paga in 3 rate senza interessi.
Payment CategoryEN-GB
pay_nowPay in full today
pay_laterPay later
pay_over_timePay over time
klarnaPay with Klarna

Presentation approaches

Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Pay with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, in 3 instalments of £x.xx, or as low as £x.xx/month.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay over time
Pay in 3 instalments of £x.xx or pay as low as £x.xx/month.
Payment CategoryEN-CAFR-CA
pay_nowPay in full todayPayez maintenant
pay_laterPay laterPayez plus tard
pay_over_timePay over timePayez dans le temps
klarnaFlexible payments with KlarnaPaiements flexibles avec Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 4 payments of $x.xx, or as low as $x.xx/month.
Pay over time
Pay in 4 payments of $x.xx or as low as $x.xx/month.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
  • French
Three options approachSingle option approach
Payez maintenant
Payez la totalité aujourd'hui.
Paiements flexibles avec Klarna
Payez la totalité aujourd'hui, ou en 4 versements de x,xx $, ou à x,xx $/mois.
Payez dans le temps
Payez en 4 versements de x,xx $ ou aussi peu que x,xx $/mois.
Payez plus tard
Payez en 30 jours.
Payment CategoryEN-MXES-MX
pay_over_timePay with KlarnaPaga con Klarna
pay_laterPay laterPaga después
klarnaPay with KlarnaPaga con Klarna

Presentation approaches

Two options approachSingle option approach
Paga con Klarna
Paga en 4 cuotas de $x.xx.
Paga después
Paga en 30 días.
Payment CategoryEN-USES-US
pay_nowPay in full todayPaga ahora
pay_laterPay laterPaga después
pay_over_timePay over timePaga a plazos
klarnaPay with KlarnaPaga con Klarna

Presentation approaches

  • English
Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Pay with Klarna
Pay now, in 30 days, in 4 payments of $x.xx, or as low as $x.xx/month.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay over time
Pay in 4 payments of $x.xx, or pay as low as $x.xx/month.
  • Spanish
Three options approachSingle option approach
Paga ahora
Paga el total hoy.
Paga con Klarna
Paga el total hoy, en 30 días, en 4 pagos de $x.xx, o desde $x.xx al mes.
Paga después
Paga en 30 días.
Paga a plazos
Paga en 4 pagos de $x.xx, o desde $x.xx al mes.
Payment CategoryEN-AU
pay_nowPay in full today
pay_laterPay later
pay_over_timePay in 4
klarnaFlexible payments with Klarna

Presentation approaches

Three options approachSingle option approach
Pay in full today
No fees, no interest.
Flexible payments with Klarna
Pay now, in 4 payments of $x.xx or in 30 days.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.
Pay in 4
Pay in 4 payments of $x.xx.
Payment CategoryEN-NZ
pay_over_timePay with Klarna
pay_laterPay later
klarnaPay with Klarna

Presentation approaches

Two options approachSingle option approach
Pay with Klarna
Pay in 4 payments of $x.xx.
Pay later
Pay in 30 days.