Klarna Docs - Read Session

When you have created an HPP Session you will have the ability to read its content by using thesession_urlthat you got back in the create session response. For that, you only to make a request to the endpoint and you will get data that lets you track the update of the session.

DescriptionGets the status of the HPP Session
ReferenceFor a full list of returned values, please read API Reference.
Url structurehttps://{endpoint}/hpp/v1/sessions/{session_id}
Examplecurl https://api.klarna.com/hpp/v1/sessions/<session_id> --header "Authorization: Basic <token> " --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header “Cache-Control: no-cache”
Field KeyTypeDescription
session_idStringIdentifier of the session that was read.
statusStringThe current status of the Session. You can read more about statuses in our session lifecycle article.
updated_atDateLast time this session was updated. Dates format is described here.
expires_atDateDate when this session will not be able for the consumer to pay anymore. You can read more about lifetime in our session lifetime article. Dates format is described here.
Status nameStatus description
WAITINGSession is created and Consumer has not entered the Payment Page yet
IN_PROGRESSConsumer has entered the Payment Page on updated_at
COMPLETEDConsumer has successfully gotten an Authorization from the Payment system onupdated_at, Authorization Token is contained in the authorization_tokenfield.
FAILEDConsumer was not able to completely fulfil the payment on updated_at
CANCELLEDConsumer has pressed the Back button on updated_at
ERRORConsumer encountered an error while paying on updated_at
DISABLEDSession was disabled by API Call on the Merchant initiative on updated_at

These are the responses that an integration layer will get when polling the HPP Session during its fulfilment.

    "session_id": "39a1c773-bafd-754d-af1f-b30c592f1267",
    "status": "WAITING",
    "updated_at": "2019-05-13T14:51:46.288Z",
    "expires_at": "2019-05-15T13:51:43.507Z"

Newly created HPP Session

    "session_id": "39a1c773-bafd-754d-af1f-b30c592f1267",
    "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
    "updated_at": "2019-05-13T14:52:57.540Z",
    "expires_at": "2019-05-15T13:51:43.507Z"

Consumer has loaded the HPP Session

    "session_id": "39a1c773-bafd-754d-af1f-b30c592f1267",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "authorization_token": "a1a8f727-2756-6058-bd3c-40069be0994b",
    "updated_at": "2019-05-13T14:54:04.675Z",
    "expires_at": "2019-05-15T13:51:43.507Z"

Completed HPP Session - Default value forplace_order_mode

    "session_id": "39a1c773-bafd-754d-af1f-b30c592f1267",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "order_id": "a1a8f727-2756-6058-bd3c-40069be0994b",
    "klarna_reference": "X438HG0Q",
    "updated_at": "2019-05-13T14:54:04.675Z",
    "expires_at": "2019-05-15T13:51:43.507Z"

With place_order_mode as PLACE_ORDER or CAPTURE_ORDER

    "session_id": "39a1c773-bafd-754d-af1f-b30c592f1267",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "order_id": "a1a8f727-2756-6058-bd3c-40069be0994b",
    "klarna_reference": "X438HG0Q",
    "updated_at": "2019-05-13T14:54:04.675Z",
    "expires_at": "2019-05-15T13:51:43.507Z"

Klarna Checkout