Klarna Docs - Standalone or Hybrid

​Because merchants build apps in a variety of ways, we offer one SDK with several, tailored, APIs. The cases that we support today are if:

  • Your app is fully native.
  • Your app renders content (e.g. your checkout) in a web view.

You have a fully native app. You’ll likely want to add views and interact with Klarna content via APIs from your app. We call this a standalone integration.

For these situations, the SDK offers a fully native API towards our products (currently Klarna Payments, but more are on the way). As the SDK owns these views entirely, it can provide the best experience, offer direct API interfaces and notify you when relevant events have occured. This is the approach that we recommend.

You can read more about how perform a Payments standalone integration here.

Many apps today look to reuse their web solutions and render part of their content in a web view. This allows them to update their content and change designs without re-releasing their apps. If you render Klarna content in a web view, but still offer your users a native experience, we call that a hybrid integration.

In these cases you just need to provide the SDK with a reference to your web view and notify us when a navigation has occurred. The SDK will then look for Klarna components on the page, and enhance your users’ interactions with them.

You can read more about how to perform a hybrid integration here.