Klarna Docs - Overview & Concepts
Overview & Concepts

The Mobile SDK offers a broad selection of integration options (and more are coming up!). If you’re familiar with Klarna’s products, you can head directly to each platform’s getting started guide. If not, we’ve got a few guides below to introduce you to all our options and how they work.

Klarna Mobile SDK is designed to provide optimal integration and user experiences across all mobile platforms and in all regions, offering comprehensive support for all Klarna products. It is regularly updated to ensure stable mobile user experience and simplify the ongoing maintenance of your mobile integration.
We offer a seamless and straightforward way to

  • Render individual payment methods through Klarna Payments
  • Give your customers a running start into the purchasing flow with On-site Messaging
  • Let customers quickly and safely sign for your platform using their Klarna account via Sign in with Klarna

and so much more in a single package!

Integration Requirements

Klarna Mobile SDK is a must-have when using Klarna products (Klarna Payments, On-site Messaging etc.) in mobile applications. This is mainly due to the limitations of the WebViews in both iOS and Android. The SDK lets Klarna components overcome those issues with a communication between web and native environments.

Some examples of common and critical issues when Klarna products are used in mobile apps without the SDK include:

  • Some external webpages, such as certain banks blocking WebViews, can block the purchase flow and the application as they can't be loaded at all.
  • Cookies in WebViews are handled differently compared to normal browsers and this causes additional friction during checkout. Mobile SDK provides secure and consistent returning user optimisation for these scenarios.
  • Navigation to third-party applications for authorization and authentication isn't handled out of the box with WebViews. Mobile SDK provides redirect to these applications along with redirecting the user back to the purchase flow from there when supported.

There are other issues in integrations that don't use the Mobile SDK and those aren't limited to certain regions or payment methods. Thus, integrating the SDK is absolutely necessary for mobile integrations.

Aforementioned Mobile SDK benefits apply to all integrations, including payment integrations done via payment service providers(PSP), all mobile applications should still prefer the SDK. For these integrations, if the PSP is providing Hosted Payment Page(HPP) solutions Hybrid integration and if it is providing inline direct Klarna Payment solution then the Standalone Payment integration of the Mobile SDK should be preferred.

Deprecation Policy

To ensure the best possible experience in terms of security, stability, and access to new features, Klarna requires all partners integrating the Klarna Mobile SDK to follow the policy below:

  • Update Frequency: Partners must update to the latest SDK version at least once every 3 months.
  • Supported Versions: Only SDK versions released within the last 6 months are considered within the maintenance window and officially supported by Klarna.
  • Early Deprecation: SDK versions may be deprecated earlier than 6 months if critical vulnerabilities are identified that impact the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the service. In such cases, Klarna will provide clear and timely communication.
  • Liability: Klarna is only responsible for issues that arise in SDK versions within the current maintenance window.
  • Obsolete Integrations: Partners are responsible for any issues, including security breaches, resulting from the use of outdated or unsupported SDK versions.
  • Right to Deactivate: Klarna reserves the right to disable integrations using deprecated SDK or OS versions, especially when they pose an identified security risk.

By keeping your integration up to date, you ensure continued compatibility, access to the latest features, and the highest level of security for your users.


Depending on how you build your app, you might prefer a standalone or hybrid integration.

This guide will explain what these mean so you can choose the most suitable approach for your app.

Read more about standalone and hybrid integrations here.

If you’re adding Klarna Payments natively to your app, this is the guide for you.

This guide gives you an overview of how Klarna Payments works and provides a step-by-step to understand what you can do with our SDK.

Get a step-by-step for Klarna Payments here.

Our SDK makes performing a hybrid integration as easy as possible.

This guide gives you a step-by-step so you can add Klarna to your web view-based app.

Read about performing a hybrid integration here.

To provide the best possible experience to your customers, your app will need to perform certain full-screen transitions.

Here we explain what this means and provide several approaches to make your users’ experiences as amazing as possible.

Read more about how fullscreen works here.