Klarna Docs - Extend order authorization

Extend order authorization

Use the Order management API to extend the authorization date and allow yourself more time to capture the order.

When you need more time to capture and fulfill an order before it expires, you can extend its authorization time using this API call.

Extend the order authorization by adding the number of expiration days associated with your account to the date at the moment of extension. For example, let's say you place the order on the 1st of January and your account is configured for 28 days of order expiry; if you make an extension on the 15th of January, the new expiry date will be the 13th of February (adding 28 more days).

If you try to extend an order multiple times on the same day, you'll get the same expiry date each time you try. You can extend an order up to 180 days after it’s created, making extensions at different times on different dates.

After an order has expired, you can't extend it with this API call anymore.

For the US 🇺🇸 market, you can't extend orders using the payment method "Slice it" (Fixed-Sum Credit).

To extend the authorization date of an order, send a POST request to the {apiUrl}/ordermanagement/v1/orders/{order_id}/extend-authorization-time endpoint.

Provide order_id as a path parameter. The order_id is the identifier you get in a successful response when placing a new order.

You don't need a request body for this POST method.

If the request is successful, you'll receive a 204 No content response.

If your request contains errors, you'll receive an error response. Make sure the order is not expired or canceled and the order_id is correct.

  "error_code": "NOT_ALLOWED",
  "error_messages": [
    "Order is expired. Authorization time cannot be extended."
  "correlation_id": "ef30ffe5-5c42-485a-85b6-8aeb24689bc8"

Sample of an error response to extend order authorization.

You can use the correlation_id  and the order_id  values to troubleshoot the call in the Merchant portal logs section.

Ready to send this request? See the API reference of this call.