Klarna Docs - Order Management

Order management

Stay on top of your orders and day-to-day business operations with
our order management API.
Our single API lets you perform all post-purchase actions including order
updates, captures, and returns.

Integrate directly or via your preferred platform.

Order management
Omnichannel order processing
Manage high order volumes across all your sales channels through a single API.
Delivery tracking
Give customers the best possible post-purchase experience and increase successful delivery rates.
Smarter operations
Use Merchant portal, our out-of-the-box solution, to manage orders manually.
Frictionless order and return process
An efficient and reliable way to handle your orders is with our single API. Experience seamless order management with real-time updates on all your orders.
orders processed weekly.
Before you start
Everything you need to know before handling orders.
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Order management API
Integrate our order management API for effortless post-purchase operations.
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Merchant portal
No need for API integration? Handle your orders through our all-in-one business assistant.
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View and change orders
Get the complete overview, update or extend orders.
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Capture and track orders
After you’ve sent the items, capture the amount and let customers track their orders.
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Refund and extend orders
Handle returns or extend the payment due date.
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Next step: settlements