Klarna Docs - Prepare your integration

Prepare your integration

There are multiple approaches to integrate On-site messaging, before anything, make sure you complete the steps in this section.

Ensure you start by customizing and trying out your messaging assets in the test Merchant portal (playground environment), and then you reproduce the configuration in the Merchant portal (production environment).

Depending on how you are integrating, some of the following tools and technical considerations might help you to make the best out of On-site messaging:

  • Merchant portal playground (test environment)
    Design and try out the assets in the Merchant portal's playground environment before going live.
  • Merchant portal credentials
    For both playground and production environments, you require an account to access and start using the Merchant portal. Make sure to select the right environment you want to access.
  • Demo store
    See what your customers experience when they shop with Klarna. Here you can visualize how the different messaging assets look.
  • Placements
    Before getting down to work, you also need to know where you'd like the messaging to appear on your online store.
  • Browsers
    We aim to provide support for the last three major versions of the popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari) that covers at least 99.5% of the market share.
  • Source code
    You need access and editing privileges to the source code of your online store.
  • Merchant ID
    You can get this identification number in the Merchant portal or you can request it from your account manager.