Klarna Docs - Check the details of a customer token

Check the details of a customer token

Use the Klarna payments API to check the status and details of the payment method linked to a customer token.

To get the details of a customer token, send a GET request with an empty request body to the {apiUrl}/customer-token/v1/tokens/{customerToken} endpoint. Provide the customer token as a customerToken path parameter.

Success response

In response to your call, you'll receive the customer token's status and the details of the associated payment method.

    "card": {
        "brand": "VISA",
        "expiry_date": "12/2020",
        "masked_number": "**1234"
    "direct_debit": {
        "masked_number": "**124"
    "payment_method_type": "INVOICE",

A success response to the check customer token details request.

Error response

If the customer token in your request is invalid, you'll get an error response. Make sure that the customerToken in the path matches the token_id of the token you created earlier.

You can use the value in correlation_id to find entries related to the request in Logs in the Merchant portal.

    "correlation_id":	"6a9b1cb1-73a3-4936-a030-481ba4bb203b",
    "error_code":	"NOT_FOUND",
    "error_messages":	[
        "Invalid customer-token ID"

An error response to the check customer token details request.