Klarna Docs - Check the details of a customer token
Check the details of a customer token

Use the Klarna payments API to check the status and details of the payment method linked to a customer token.

To get the details of a customer token, send a GET request with an empty request body to the {apiUrl}/customer-token/v1/tokens/{customerToken} endpoint. Provide the customer token as a customerToken path parameter.

"card": {
"brand": "VISA",
"expiry_date": "12/2020",
"masked_number": "**1234"
"direct_debit": {
"masked_number": "**124"
"payment_method_type": "INVOICE",

A success response to the check customer token details request.

You can use the value in correlation_id to find entries related to the request in Logs in the Merchant portal.

"correlation_id":   "6a9b1cb1-73a3-4936-a030-481ba4bb203b",
"error_code":   "NOT_FOUND",
"error_messages":   [
"Invalid customer-token ID"

An error response to the check customer token details request.