The process of creating an order is different for one-time and recurring payments.
To create an order for a one-time payment, send a POST
request to the {apiUrl}/payments/v1/authorizations/{authorizationToken}/order
endpoint and include authorization_token
in the path.
For example, if the authorization_token
is b4bd3423-24e3
, send your request to the {apiUrl}/payments/v1/authorizations/b4bd3423-24e3/order
"purchase_country": "US",
"purchase_currency": "USD",
"billing_address": {
"given_name": "John",
"family_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"title": "Mr",
"street_address": "Lombard St 10",
"street_address2": "Apt 214",
request to create an order for a one-time payment.
When you receive a success response, the customer gets charged and the Klarna payments session is closed.
As part of the response, you receive the following details:
, an order identifier that you can later use to capture or refund the order using the Order management APIredirect_url
, a URL to which you redirect the customer. This isn't included in the response received if you didn't include the URL when initiating a paymentfraud_status
, an indicator of whether the transaction is suspected to be legitimate or fraudulentauthorized_payment_method
, the payment method selected by your customer for this purchase{
"order_id": "3eaeb557-5e30-47f8-b840-b8d987f5945d",
"redirect_url": "",
"fraud_status": "ACCEPTED",
"authorized_payment_method": "invoice"
A success response to the order creation request for a one-time payment.
Send the customer browser to redirect_url
provided in the response. Klarna places a cookie in the browser and redirects the customer back to the confirmation URL you provided when creating the session. This makes the checkout faster the next time the customer chooses to pay with Klarna.
If your request doesn't pass our validation, you'll receive an error response. The most common reasons why creating an order fails are:
"correlation_id": "6a9b1cb1-73a3-4936-a030-481ba4bb203b",
"error_code": "ERROR_CODE",
"error_messages": [
An error response to the order creation request for a one-time payment.
Here are examples of common errors with troubleshooting suggestions. You can use the value in correlation_id
to find entries related to the request under Logs in the Merchant portal.
Error code | Error message | Description |
NOT_FOUND | Invalid authorization token | The authorization token has expired because the order was placed more than 60 minutes after authorization. To fix the error, request a new authorization_token and use it to place the order. |
BAD_VALUE | Not matching fields: [billing_address.postal_code] | The data shared with Klarna in a previous step (create_session , load() , or authorize() ) have been modified causing the validation to fail. |
BAD_VALUE | Not matching fields: [Incorrect number of items in the cart. Expected: 2, Actual: 3] | The order lines or the cart were updated after the authorize() call. Please ensure that the cart is kept as-is or send a new authorization request. |
REJECTED | Rejected | This is an edge case reason, but can be triggered in case the merchant is configured with being allowed to update the cart. This could be updated from the authorize to the place order in such a way that a new authorize is triggered. In this case this is rejected. |
If your agreement with Klarna allows it, we can flag a suspicious transaction for an additional review instead of accepting it immediately. In such cases, fraud_status
in the response will be PENDING
instead of ACCEPTED
. Read more about pending orders.
"order_id": "3eaeb557-5e30-47f8-b840-b8d987f5945d",
"redirect_url": "",
"fraud_status": "PENDING",
A response to a create order request includes fraud_status: PENDING
if a transaction is subject to additional fraud review.
If your Klarna contract allows automatic capture of the order once an order is created, set auto_capture
to true
when creating the order.
For recurring payments, you have to create a customer token before placing the order. This token identifies your customer and the payment method selected for the purchase. It also lets you charge the customer later, ad-hoc or at regular intervals.
For payments where you charge the customer at checkout and enable a recurring charge (intent
set to buy_and_tokenize
), you have to send two separate create order requests:
to charge the customer at checkout.customer_token
for future recurring payments.If you're not charging the customer at checkout (intent
set to tokenize
), you need to send only the second request to place the order and charge the customer at a later date.
If you're creating an order related to a subscription, include the subscription
object in your create order request. Learn more about sharing subscription details with Klarna.
Learn more about customer tokens.
Request a customer token by sending a POST
request to the {apiUrl}/payments/v1/authorizations/{authorizationToken}/customer-token
Include the authorization token from the authorize() call as the authorizationToken
path parameter.
"purchase_country": "US",
"locale": "us-US",
"billing_address" : {
"given_name": "Doe",
"family_name": "John",
"email": "",
"phone": "333444555",
"street_address": "Lombard St 10",
"postal_code": "90210",
A POST request to create a customer token for a customer located in the US.
In response to the customer token request, Klarna sends:
, a customer token identifier that you later use to create an orderredirect_url
, a URL to which the customer is redirected after the order is placed{
"billing_address": {
"city": "Beverly Hills",
"country": "US",
"email": "",
"family_name": "Doe",
"given_name": "John",
"phone": "333444555",
"postal_code": "90210",
"region": "CA",
A success response contains a customer token (token_id
If Klarna can't create a customer token based on the data you sent, you'll receive an error response.
"correlation_id": "6a9b1cb1-73a3-4936-a030-481ba4bb203b",
"error_code": "ERROR_CODE",
"error_messages": [
An error response to a create a customer token request.
Here are examples of common errors with troubleshooting suggestions. You can use the value in correlation_id
to find entries related to the request under Logs in the Merchant portal.
Error code | Error message | Description |
NOT_FOUND | Invalid authorization token | The authorization token has expired. Make sure to place within 60 minutes of authorization or re-authorize the purchase. |
BAD_VALUE | Bad value: purchase_country | The billing address country is different from that of the country specified for this session. |
BAD_REQUEST | X is not valid for creating customer tokens in Y | The selected payment method can't be tokenized in the specified country. |
INVALID_OPERATION | Not allowed to create customer tokens for intent buy. | You can only create a token when the intent of the session is set to tokenize or buy_and_tokenize . [ Learn more about intent]. |
This section only applies to payment sessions where intent: buy_and_tokenize
. For payments with intent: tokenize
, [ create an order with a customer token].
To charge the customer at checkout, send a POST
request to the {apiUrl}/payments/v1/authorizations/{authorizationToken}/order
endpoint. Include the authorization token as a path parameter.
For example, if the authorization_token
is b4bd3423-24e3
, send your request to the {apiUrl}/payments/v1/authorizations/b4bd3423-24e3/order
Include subscription details in the subscription
object. These should match the details you previously shared with Klarna when initiating the payment session.
"purchase_country": "US",
"purchase_currency": "USD",
"billing_address": {
"given_name": "John",
"family_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"title": "Mr",
"street_address": "Lombard St 10",
"street_address2": "Apt 214",
A create order request for a subscription where a customer is charged once a month.
In response to a create order call, you receive:
, an order identifier that you can later use to capture or refund the order using the [ Order management API]redirect_url
, a URL to which you redirect the customer. This isn't included in the response received if you didn't include the URL when [ initiating a payment]fraud_status
, an indicator of whether the transaction is suspected to be fraudulentauthorized_payment_method
, the payment method selected by your customer for this purchase{
"order_id": "3eaeb557-5e30-47f8-b840-b8d987f5945d",
"redirect_url": "",
"fraud_status": "ACCEPTED",
"authorized_payment_method": "invoice"
A success response to a place order request created with an authorization token.
If your request doesn't pass our validation, you'll receive an error response. The most common reasons why creating an order fails are:
"correlation_id": "6a9b1cb1-73a3-4936-a030-481ba4bb203b",
"error_code": "ERROR_CODE",
"error_messages": [
An error response to the order creation request for a recurring payment based on authorization_token
Here are examples of common errors with troubleshooting suggestions. You can use the value in correlation_id
to find entries related to the request under Logs in the Merchant portal.
Error code | Error message | Description |
NOT_FOUND | Invalid authorization token | The authorization token has expired because the order was placed more than 60 minutes after authorization. To fix the error, [ request a new authorization_token] and use it to place the order. |
BAD_VALUE | Not matching fields: [billing_address.postal_code] | The data shared with Klarna in a previous step (create_session , load , or authorize ) have been modified causing the validation to fail. |
BAD_VALUE | Not matching fields: [Incorrect number of items in the cart. Expected: 2, Actual: 3] | The order lines or the cart were updated after the authorize call. Please ensure that the cart is kept as-is or send a new authorize request. |
REJECTED | Rejected | This is an edge case reason, but can be triggered in case the merchant is configured with being allowed to update the cart. This could be updated from the authorize to the place order in such a way that a new authorize is triggered. In this case this is rejected. |
When creating an order with a customer token, include Klarna-Idempotency-Key
in the request header.
Send a POST
request to the {apiUrl}/customer-token/v1/tokens/{customerToken}/order
endpoint and include the customer token as a path parameter.
For example, if the token_id
is 0b1d9815-165e-42e2-8867-35bc03789e00,
send your request to the {apiUrl}/customer-token/v1/tokens/0b1d9815-165e-42e2-8867-35bc03789e00/order
Make sure to also include subscription details in the subscription
object. These should match the details you previously shared with Klarna when initiating the payment session.
"merchant_reference1": "45aa52f387871e3a210645d4",
"merchant_data": "optional string",
"locale": "de-DE",
"auto_capture": true,
"purchase_currency": "EUR",
"order_amount": 999,
"order_tax_amount": 0,
"order_lines": [{
"type": "digital",
In response to a create order call, you receive:
, an order identifier that you can later use to capture or refund the order using the [ Order management API]fraud_status
, an indicator of whether the transaction is suspected to be fraudulent{
"order_id": "a89ec121-1276-419d-882a-c343d58fd1bc",
"fraud_status": "ACCEPTED"
A success response to a place order request created with a customer token.
If your request doesn't pass our validation, you'll receive an error response.
"error_code" : "ERROR_CODE",
"error_messages" : ["Array of error messages"],
"correlation_id" : "Unique id for this request used for troubleshooting."
An error response to creation an order request based on a customer token.
Here are examples of common errors with troubleshooting suggestions. You can use the value in correlation_id
to find entries related to the request under Logs in the Merchant portal.
Error code | HTTP status code | Description |
TOKEN_NOT_FOUND | 404 | The customer token wasn't found. Make sure that customerToken in the path matches the token. |
TOKEN_SUSPENDED | 403 | The customer token has been suspended by Klarna. |
TOKEN_CANCELED | 403 | The customer token exists, but isn't linked to your merchant ID. Try again with another customer token. |
UNAVAILABLE_PAYMENT_METHOD | 403 | The payment method can't be used for orders in the specified currency. |
PAYMENT_METHOD_FAILED | 403 | Purchase for payment method failed. If a credit payment method was used, this is most likely due to the customer being rejected. Try resending your request. |
BAD_REQUEST | 400 | |
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | 503 | A temporary internal Klarna error occurred. Try again later. |