Klarna Docs - Payment details

Klarna Checkout (KCO) has been acquired by Kustom. Read more here.

Give your customers the option to choose how to pay by showing any major payment method. You choose which payment methods to make available. It can be Klarna as a payment option or external payment methods, and they are all shown within KCO.

  • 74% successful prediction of payment method
  • 64% receives the simplified payments view
  • +1.8% conversion rate for shoppers who see the simplified view

Ensure that checkout iFrame must be able to grow and shrink height-wise as the user progresses in the checkout flow

Offer customers the possibility to start a subscription of any kind. Sell subscriptions or recurring purchases through KCO. A unique token is created with the first purchase. This token, which represents the customer and their purchase, is then used to initiate an additional purchase using Klarna Payments.

You can reach out to Klarna Merchant Support to enable this feature.

You can find the subscription documentation here.

Here you’ll find the full API and documentation. You can read more about the iframe handling here.

Wanna see how your store could look? Check out our demo store here.