Klarna Docs - Before you start

Technically, HPP is a companion service to Klarna Payments or Klarna Checkout, which can both be referred as a Payment Provider. You will have to integrate one of these APIs to create a Payment Session, and then use HPP to deliver the Payment experience to your consumers.

A complete payment session will involve three of Klarna services:

  1. Klarna Payments or Klarna Checkout - Payment API to integrate to start a Payment session: KP Session or KCO Order.
  2. Hosted Payment Page - API to distribute the Payment session to your Consumer.
  3. Order Management - Order API to capture payment or refund the order that was created.

A different integration guide is available for both platforms.

  • Read HPP with Klarna Payments integration guide
  • HPP with Klarna Checkout integration guide will be released soon

In this document, the term Payment Provider refers to either Klarna Payments or Klarna Checkout and Payment Session refers to the corresponding KP Session on Klarna Payments or KCO Order on Klarna Checkout.

The overall integration sequences between the backend of the integrator, the Consumer and Klarna depends on the use case (ie eCommerce, In-store or Telesales) as all interactions depend on the distribution mechanism and how the status of the HPP Session is read.

This diagram shows the common step between these integrations. Also, depending if it is a Klarna Checkout or Klarna Payments integration, calls will be different.

sequenceDiagram autonumber participant A as Consumer Browser participant B as Merchant Backend participant C as HPP participant D as Payment Provider A -->> B: Intent of buying B ->> D: Create KP sessipon or KCO order D -->>B: KP session or KCO order B ->>C: Create HPP session C -->>B: HPP session note over A, D: Distribution of the URL to the consumer is specific to the use case the integratior targets.<br/> It would be via redirection in an eCommerce flow, by email or SMS for Telesales and In-store, or by QR Code. A -> C: Requets the Payment Page via an URL C -->>A: Hosted Payment Page rendering KP session or<br/> KCO order with Merchant's customization A ->>C: Presses pay button C -->>A: Display confirmation of payment or order confirmation note over A,D: Dependeding on the integration use case, the consumer may be redirected.<br/> Integrator will have to handle how to get the payment confirmation using the HPP API or the Payment Provider one.