The Klarna Payment interface provides access to the payment request API.

Accepting a payment using the Klarna Payment button

const klarna = ...;

// Handle payment request completion
klarna.Payment.on("complete", async (paymentRequest) => {
await fetch("", {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
klarnaConfirmationToken: paymentRequest.stateContext.paymentToken

// Handle button click event
klarna.Payment.button().on("click", (button) => {
// the ongoing payment request is available in the click handler
currency: "USD",
amount: 1000
 <div id="button-container"></div>
interface KlarnaPayment {
    button(config: KlarnaButtonConfiguration): KlarnaPaymentButton;
    cancel(paymentRequestId: string): Promise<PaymentRequest>;
    fetch(paymentRequestId: string): Promise<PaymentRequest>;
            | string
            | PaymentRequestData
            | () => Promise<string>
            | () => Promise<PaymentRequestData>,
        options?: PaymentRequestOptions,
    ): Promise<PaymentRequest>;
    off(event: string, callback: Function): void;
    on(event: "abort", callback: OnAbortCallback): void;
    on(event: "complete", callback: OnCompleteCallback): void;
        event: "shippingaddresschange",
        callback: ShippingAddressChangeCallback,
    ): void;
        event: "shippingoptionselect",
        callback: ShippingOptionSelectCallback,
    ): void;
    presentation(data: PaymentPresentationData): PaymentPresentationResponse;


  • Cancels the payment request with the given ID. It's only possible to cancel payment requests created by the same client/credentials.


    • paymentRequestId: string

      The ID of the payment request to fetch.

    Returns Promise<PaymentRequest>

    A Promise that resolves to a PaymentRequest.

  • Fetches the payment request with the given ID. It's only possible to fetch payment requests created by the same client/credentials.


    • paymentRequestId: string

      The ID of the payment request to fetch.

    Returns Promise<PaymentRequest>

    A Promise that resolves to a PaymentRequest.

  • Unregister an event handler for the given event.


    • event: string

      The event name.

    • callback: Function

      Event callback handler.

    Returns void

  • Register an event handler for the abort event. A payment request is aborted when the customer decides to cancel the payment request by closing the popup or somehow cancel the process.

    • Example
    klarna.Payment.on("abort", (paymentRequest) => {
    console.log(`The reason for the abort may be read by accessing ${paymentRequest.stateReason}`);


    • event: "abort"

      The event name ("abort").

    • callback: OnAbortCallback

      Event callback handler.

    Returns void

  • Register an event handler for the complete event. A payment request is completed when the user has approved the purchase.

    During a redirection flow the complete handler will trigger once your page has loaded on the success page. Pending updates are triggered even if the event handler is registered after the page has loaded to avoid need for polling.


    klarna.Payment.on("complete", (paymentRequest) => {
    console.log(`Confirm the payment request by sending the ${paymentRequest.stateContext.paymentToken} to your backend`);
    // Return false if you want to prevent the redirection to the success page, if not, return anything or true.
    return false


    • event: "complete"

      The event name ("complete").

    • callback: OnCompleteCallback

      Event callback handler.

    Returns void

  • Shipping address changed event handler, triggered when the consumer changes their shipping address during the payment flow.

    Depending on your implementation you can return 3 different payloads from the handler.

    1. If there is no preselected shipping option you should only provide a list of available shipping options.


    klarna.Payment.on("shippingaddresschange", (paymentRequest, shippingAddress) => {
    return {
    shippingOptions: [{
    shippingOptionReference: string;
    amount: number;
    displayName: string;
    description: string;
    shippingType?: ShippingType;
    1. If you can preselect one shipping option for the provided address, the whole flow is shorter. Then you should return not only the shipping option, but also the order payload updated with shipping details.


    klarna.Payment.on("shippingaddresschange", (paymentRequest, shippingAddress) => {
    const { shippingOptions } = fetch("/shipping-options", {
    method: "POST",
    body: {
    shipping_address: shippingAddress
    const selectedShippingOption = shippingOptions[0]
    amount } = fetch("/cart", {
    method: "POST",
    body: {
    shipping_option: shippingOptions[0]

    return {
    lineItems: [
    quantity: 1,
    totalAmount: selectedShippingOption.amount
    selectedShippingOptionReference: selectedShippingOption.reference
    shippingOptions: [{
    shippingOptionReference: string;
    amount: number;
    displayName: string;
    description: string;
    shippingType?: ShippingType;
    1. If the shipping address provided cannot be handled due to some constraints, you can reject it by returning the following.


    klarna.Payment.on("shippingaddresschange", (paymentRequest, shippingAddress) => {
    return {
    rejectionReason: klarna.Payment.ShippingRejectionReason.POSTAL_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED

    The available rejection reasons are:


    If you did not return anything during the 10 seconds after receiving this event, consumer will see the error screen and payment request will be aborted.


    Returns void

  • Shipping option selected event handler, triggered when the consumer selects a shipping option during the payment flow.

    Depending on your implementation you can return 2 different payloads from the handler:

    1. If the shipping option is correct, return the order payload updated with shipping details.


    klarna.Payment.on("shippingoptionselect", (paymentRequest, shippingOption) => {
    amount } = fetch("/cart", {
    method: "POST",
    body: {
    shipping_option: shippingOption

    return {
    lineItems: [
    name: 'Shipping option 1',
    quantity: 1,
    totalAmount: 500
    1. If the shipping option provided cannot be handled due to some constraints, you can reject it by returning the following.


    klarna.Payment.on("shippingoptionselect", (paymentRequest, shippingAddress) => {
    return {
    rejectionReason: klarna.Payment.ShippingOptionRejectionReason.INVALID_OPTION

    The available rejection reasons are:


    If you did not return anything during the 10 seconds after receiving this event, consumer will see the error screen and payment request will be aborted.


    Returns void

  • Check if the consumer can make a payment with a given a set of parameters.


    • data: PaymentPresentationData

      The data for the payment check.

      • Optionalamount?: number
      • currency: string
      • locale: string
      • Optionalpreference?: "KLARNA" | "PAY_NOW" | "PAY_LATER" | "PAY_OVER_TIME"
      • OptionalrequestCustomerToken?: {
            scopes: (
                | "payment:customer_present"
                | "payment:customer_not_present"
                | "customer:login"
      • OptionalsupplementaryPurchaseData?: {
            additionalData?: string;
            lineItems?: LineItem[];
            ondemandService?: OndemandService;
            subscriptions?: Subscription[];

    Returns PaymentPresentationResponse

    • Returns a list of payment data based on the provided parameters.