averageYour average amount value, in minor currency units. You can use a value across your customer base or segment based on customer type, country, etc. Example: 2000
maximumThe maximum value you may charge a customer per purchase. You can use a value across your customer base or segment based on customer type, country, etc. Example: 2000
minimumThe lowest or minimum value you may charge a customer per purchase. You can use a value across your customer base or segment based on customer type, country, etc. Example: 2000
purchaseCycle interval. The interval at which the customer is making purchases on your service. Possible values: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR. Example: MONTH
purchaseFrequency of the purchase interval. A weekly charge would set interval to WEEK and interval_frequency to 1. A charge every second month would set interval to MONTH and interval_frequency to 2. Example: 1
On-Demand Service Data