Klarna Docs - How to customize settlements reports

How to customize settlements reports

The Report Configurator in the Settlements App allows you to customize the CSV and PDF reports to suit you and your accounting system. You can set up individual report configurations per Merchant ID and delivery channel (API, Settlements App, SFTP).

Configuration options (selection):

  • change the CSV delimiter
  • change date and amount formats
  • add signs to negative amounts
  • remove the total section
  • receive the reports for all your MIDs in the same SFTP directory (by default reports are published in individual accounts per MID)
  • Add or remove fields, like initial payment method or detailed transaction type (exposing the type of fee that has been charged)
  • Include consumer VAT information (the VAT on the products or services sold to your customers)

By clicking the “Configure reports” button on the right, you will get to the configuration page.