Klarna Docs
Api Reference
Instant Shopping API Callbacks
The Instant Shopping Callbacks API describes the request that the integrator may receive during an Instant Shopping session. The callbacks are used to notify the integrator of changes and of an authorized order pending.,The requests are sent as POST requests to the endpoints specified when creating an Instant Shopping button key.
Api Reference
Our Access to Account (XS2A) API is the PSD2 compliant interface for accessing account information and initiating payments on behalf of Klarna payment account users.,If you are looking for the documentation of the Open banking. by Klarna solution, you can find the docs `here`.,You can find more information about PSD2 `here`.
Api Reference
Checkout API Callbacks
Klarna provides a number of different callbacks during the customer's checkout session. The callbacks can be used to update the order when the customer changes their address as well as to do a final check to validate the order before it is submitted.,The callbacks are sent as POST requests to the endpoint you specify when creating the order. Your response is interpreted using the response code and body.
Api Reference
Klarna Shipping Service Callback API
The Klarna Shipping Service Callback API enables communication between the Klarna Shipping Service and the Integrator.
Api Reference
Instant Shopping API
The Instant Shopping API is serving two purposes:,to manage the orders as they result from the Instant Shopping purchase flow,to generate Instant Shopping Button keys necessary for setting up the Instant Shopping flow both onsite and offsite,Note that as soon as a purchase initiated through Instant Shopping is completed within Klarna, the order should be read and handled using the Order Management API.
Api Reference
Merchant Card Service API
The Merchant Card Service (MCS) API is used to settle orders with virtual credit cards.
Api Reference
Merchant Onboarding - Native Partners
Our Native Partners Onboarding API is optimized for partners to create merchant accounts and to perform their underwriting by Klarna.,The basic block of integration with Klarna is the Merchant ID or MID. This is the identifier that will enable a merchant to authenticate and eventually place orders. ,An underwritten merchant can start transacting through the Klarna Payments integration.
Api Reference
PSP Onboarding API - MoR
PSP API for partners in a Merchant of Record agreement with Klarna. API was created so that PSP partner can pick already fully set up merchant and transact right away.
Validations in the payment process
Here you find information on the validations that occur throughout the payment process.
Klarna resources
Get up and running with Klarna resources. ,Explore our resources to get detailed insights and guidance. Learn more about testing Klarna solutions to ensure a smoooth integration process and to familiarize yourself with our policies to stay compliant.
Api Reference
Checkout API
Klarna Checkout (KCO) has been acquired by Kustom. Read more here. ,,The checkout API is used to create a checkout with Klarna and update the checkout order during the purchase.,As soon as the purchase is completed the order should be read and handled using the `Order Management API`.