Klarna Docs - Conversion boosters

Conversion boosters

Complete your integration in the Klarna Portal and instantly benefit from the power of our growth solutions that are designed to drive sales to your store and level up your customers’ shopping experiences. 

Our offering includes three main solutions: Sign in with Klarna, On-site Messaging and Express Checkout. Each solution independently addresses specific challenges in the shopping journey; however, they deliver the most significant impact when used together.

Conversion boosters
Flexible and optimized setup
Optimise accessibility and freedom to complete a purchase even before heading to the checkout.
No cookies and always compliant
Dynamic placements with no tracking Up to date with local regulations in each market.
Free to use
Already our partner? Get access to our conversion boosters at no additional costs.
Unlock full potential to your store
customers already enjoy a returning shopping experience with Sign in with Klarna
types of ad placements available in one integration that can be used across the customer journey with On-site messaging.
platforms and partners across markets to offer you effortless integration.
Sign in with Klarna
Leverage Klarna’s community of over 150M customers. This social login feature lets customers quickly and safely sign up on the merchant website by using their Klarna account information and allows merchants to identify their customers early in the shopping journey.
On-site messaging
Klarna’s dynamic placement solution helps converting website visitors into customers by informing early in the shopping journey about flexible payment methods available with 10 types of placements available that can be used across the customer journey, resulting in higher conversion rates, fewer abandoned cart and increased spend.
Express checkout
Klarna Express checkout allows merchants to uplift conversion and minimize cart abandonment by enable customers to complete a purchase early in the shopping journey and providing the option to skip and pre-filling the customer details at the checkout, resulting in a faster and more enjoyable shopping experience.

See it in action