Field | Description |
AdultContent | Indicate if a product includes sexually suggestive content (yes/no). |
AgeGroup | The demographic for which your product is intended. |
Bundled | Indicates a product is a merchant-defined custom group of different products featuring one main product (yes/no). |
Color | Your product’s color(s). |
EnergyEfficiencyClass | Your product’s energy label. |
Gender | The gender for which your product is intended. |
Condition | The condition of your product at time of sale. We support the following values:
GroupId | The ID for a group of products that come in different versions (variants). |
Material | Your product’s fabric or material. |
Multipack | The number of identical products sold within a merchant-defined multipack (yes/no). |
Pattern | Your product’s pattern or graphic print. |
Size | Your product’s size. |
SizeSystem | The country of the size system used by your product |