Type Alias KlarnaConfiguration

KlarnaConfiguration: {
    accountId?: string;
    clientId: string;
    locale?: string;
    shoppingSessionId?: string;

Type declaration

  • OptionalaccountId?: string

    When transacting on-behalf of another account then the partner account ID is specified using the accountId property.

  • clientId: string

    The client id of the partner account that is integrating the Klarna.js SDK.

    If the integration is done by a PSP/DP then this must be set to the distribution partners own client id.

  • Optionallocale?: string

    Set the default locale for the SDK. See ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

  • OptionalshoppingSessionId?: string

    A shopping session ID is a unique identifier for the shopping session.

    The shopping session ID is used to link the current session to a previously created session.