Klarna Docs - Sample payment data
Sample payment data

This section contains sample payment data you can use for testing your integration in the Klarna playground environment.

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The following payment methods are available for testing both Payments and Checkout.

To test the direct debit payment flow from a customer's perspective, use an IBAN-format number. For example, the following sample IBAN number will work for a test store in Germany: DE1152 0513 7351 2071 0131.

This section only applies to:

In Sweden, use the following sample Personal number: 19770111-6050.

To test the card payment flow from a customer's perspective, use the following card details in the loaded Klarna widget:

  • Credit card number: 4111 1111 1111 1111
  • CVC: 123
  • Expiration date: 12/28 or any other future date in MM/YY format
  • Card number to trigger a 3-D Secure flow: 4687388888888881
Card payment UI flow

Card payment UI flow

To test the card payment flow from a customer's perspective, use the following card details in the loaded Klarna widget:

  • Credit card number: 4012 8888 8888 1881
  • CVC: 123
  • Expiration date: 12/28 or any other future date in MM/YY format
This section only applies to:

In the US, use the debit card to test Financing. In addition, when prompted for a Social Security Number (SSN), use 123456789

To test a direct bank transfer payment flow from a customer's perspective, look for Demo Bank in the loaded Klarna widget.

 Bank transfer payment UI flow

Bank transfer payment UI flow