Klarna Docs - Ad policies for Klarna advertisers
Ad policies for Klarna advertisers

Legal, ethical, and creative policies.

This Advertising Legal and Ethical Policy (“Policy”) applies globally to all Klarna advertising properties, including the Klarna App, Klarna.com, and any other Klarna owned channels (hereinafter “Klarna Properties”), and to all ads served through our advertising partners, and all ad types and implementations. 

All creatives, advertisements and other material subject to this Policy must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Klarna is not responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, although advertisers may be required to submit documentation from an attorney affirming such compliance if deemed necessary by Klarna.

While Klarna requires its advertisers to comply with this Policy, the content of the advertisements is the advertiser's responsibility. The advertiser is responsible for ensuring that all product claims, warranties, guarantees, discounts, pricing claims, or other assurances comply with applicable laws and regulations.

By placing the advertisements, the advertiser assumes all liability for and arising from the advertisements. 

All ads that run on Klarna properties may be subject to automated and/or manual review to assess compliance with this Policy. 

Repeated or serious violations of our policies may result in termination or suspension of your privileges to place advertising on Klarna Properties.

Klarna reserves the right at any time, in its sole discretion, to deny approval, revoke approval, and/or require the elimination or revision of any advertisement or campaign.

Klarna reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time without prior notice.

To ensure a consistent, high-quality customer experience, Klarna applies high creative standards to all advertising content. The below guidelines in this section serve to identify and ensure all ads adhere to the minimum quality requirements.

Native ads blend with the organic content and don’t distract the user. The content is consumed in an attentive state of mind. The user’s focus remains the same when the ad comes into view. If the user doesn’t click the ad, it doesn’t distract the user even if it remains in view.

While enjoying a non-disruptive experience, the user also needs to be able to distinguish between ads and organic content. We mark ads as “promoted” content to allow them to do so. 

In an effort to allow users to enjoy a non-disruptive experience, please adhere to Klarna’s overarching brand principles

Our brand personality is:

  • Curiously bold

Our creative principles are:

  • Offbeat optimists
  • Strikingly relevant
  • Straight up

The merchant’s logo and or the merchant name should be included in ad creation to guarantee that it can be displayed by Klarna when creating the ad unit. 

All images provided must meet the minimum file size, resolution, and file type restrictions provided in the Klarna ad specs (see placement specific requirements).

Images that contain text, are blurry, pixelated, distorted or that have too many visual objects may be rejected for failing to meet the standards set out in these guidelines.

Avoid distracting creative. Animated creative (not currently supported) within content must improve the advertising experience and not unnecessarily distract customers. Some prohibited animated features include:

  • Flashing or pulsing elements
  • Fast or frequent transitions
  • Animation that mimics user interaction
  • Sounds that play automatically

Please adhere to the Klarna tone of voice: 

  • We are delightful and intriguing.
  • We are confident.
  • We are clear.

Please adhere to these additional copy guidelines:

  • Our master language is US English.
  • We write for real people with an inclusive language.
  • We keep copy short, punchy, and easy to understand.
  • We lead with verbs to create action to save on character count.
  • We stay relatable by using "we’re," "you’re," and other contractions.
  • We write in sentence cases.
  • We don’t put periods at the end of headlines.

The URL the ad links to should be consistent with the ad and allow the customer to find what they are looking for when they click through. The landing page should NOT: 

  • require the customer to take an action before they can see content (such as signing up) unless it is a clear call to action in the ad
  • have pop-up ads or start an automatic download on the customer’s device
  • require the customer to click to another page
  • contain primarily advertising content 


The Hero Card is our most premium placement as it appears on the Shop Tab at the very top of the App homepage. The Hero Card is part of a carousel of 3 ads that can be advanced by the user or will automatically scroll after 3/5 seconds. The scroll is infinite which means that when the user scrolls on the 3rd card, they should go back to the first one. Content types include: 

  • Brand awareness imagery/content
  • Discounts/deals
  • Product launch


Editorial image:

  • Default aspect ratio: 750 x 750
  • Position the subject within the image.
  • Main content in the background should be in the right hand side.
  • No text on images.
  • No white background. Color brings more contrast to the text.
  • Unless it’s a brand color, avoid bright colors in the background (IE: yellow, lime green, neon colors.)


  • Offer or product description. 25 character max.

Merchant logo:

  • Ratio 1:1 - 75x75

Klarna will add: 

  • Promoted label
  • Adchoices logo
  • Call to action


Ads in Shop Home, the Klarna app landing page, positioned in various placements on the shelf. We have both General Shelves and Category Shelves. The frequency of ads is limited to one ad per six cards. Content types include:

  • Product ad
  • Brand ad


Image for Product Ad:

  • Product image without background
  • Ratio 1:1 (280 x 280)

Image for Brand Ad: 

  • Editorial image
  • Ratio 1:1 (280 x 280)


  • Brand name (It will be truncated after 15 characters)
  • Product description (if Product Ad)
  • Price (if Product Ad)

Klarna will add:

  • Promoted label
  • Adchoices logo

This placement offers high impressions and engagement as customers review the details of their completed purchases. This placement allows for either native (in big or small banners) or standard IAB display formats. Content types can include: 

  • Product ad
  • Brand ad


  • Image: 
    Product or brand image 
    Min resolution: 160 x 160 
  • Image for standard IAB format (fallback): 
    Product or brand image
    Min resolution: 320 x 50
  • Headline (all):
    Offer or product description
  • Klarna will add:
    Promoted label
    Adchoices logo

In accordance with IAB 3.0 standard terms:

XII. f. Privacy Policies. Agency, Advertiser, and Media Company will post on their respective Web sites their privacy policies and adhere to their privacy policies, which will abide by applicable laws.

Privacy Policies are required on all advertiser landing pages as well as on other pages of an advertiser's website that specifically collect personal information (e.g., name, e-mail address) or other advertising related information.

Collection of Personal Information from within ad creatives, unless there is prior authorization and appropriate disclosure and notification to users is strictly prohibited.

Where Personal Information is collected on a landing page, users should be directed to a secure landing page for such data collection. Personal information includes, but is not limited to, information about you that is personally identifiable like your name, address, email address, or phone number, and that is not otherwise publicly available.

Advertisers are responsible for not infringing or violating the intellectual property rights or any other rights of third parties. Klarna reserves the right to remove any ads that we suspect may violate a third party’s intellectual property or other rights in our sole discretion.

If you believe your trademark or copyright has been used improperly by an advertiser, please reach out to merchant@klarna.com.

Use of any Klarna intellectual property, including logos, trademarks, brand names on advertiser’s creatives and linking urls without express permission is prohibited. Requests may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

All copy must be legible, clear, and accurate so the consumer has sufficient and factual information prior to engaging with the content. 

Advertising (ad text, images, videos, links and/or landing pages) that misrepresents, ridicules or attacks an individual or group on the basis of age, color, national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or cognitive, sensory or physical disabilities, or otherwise violates this Policy or any anti-discrimination laws in any region in which the advertisement is shown is strictly prohibited. Discovery of violations of this provision may result in immediate termination of your privileges to place advertising on Klarna Properties.

Advertising that promotes or displays violence, crime or obscenity or other forms of anti-social behavior, or is otherwise not in good taste, is not acceptable. Advertisements may not use disparaging language or imply that use of the advertised product or service will help avoid compliance with a law or promote illegal activity.

  1. Advertising that features defamatory, libelous or threatening content or language is not acceptable.
  2. Advertising that features potentially offensive content or language is not acceptable. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Ads and landing pages that leverage fear, tragic events, or salacious content.
  • Ads and landing pages that use inflammatory language or images that exacerbate sensitive social issues, incite hatred, or are fundamentally misleading or inaccurate.
  • Ads and landing pages that leverage sensitive or controversial political or cultural topics to promote commercial products or offers.
  • Ads that use race baiting, bigotry or similarly offensive techniques.
  • Viscerally impactful images such as close up images of medical conditions or unattractive conditions the product is meant to treat, blood, body parts, or bodily fluids.
  • Vulgar or offensive words or phrases.

Advertising that is associated with extreme user irritation, including but not limited to negative user feedback, may be removed from Klarna Properties and platforms without notice at Klarna’s sole discretion. 

Negative or unlawful competitive, comparative, or anti-competitive messaging is not acceptable. Messaging must be relevant and can indicate advantages (competitive features, pricing etc) of your product over a competitor’s. However, any messaging that contains disparaging content or otherwise violates comparative advertising laws and regulations is not acceptable.

Random draw sweepstakes and skills contests may only be promoted if the contest/sweepstakes (i) does not constitute an illegal lottery, (ii) is only open to consumers over the age of majority (typically 18+) in the region in which the promotion occurs and (iii) otherwise complies with all applicable country, federal and state laws. Such programs include random drawings, trivia contests, word games, spelling bees, essay contests and photography contests. Advertisements for contests and sweepstakes must clearly and conspicuously disclose the material terms and conditions of participating and must not be false, deceptive or misleading. All promotions must clearly disclose that no purchase is necessary when legally required (e.g., United States).

If an ad promotes a percentage savings, such as 10% off, the landing page should reflect the exact same offer (10% off) and not just the money savings. If the offer is only available for a selected range of products, this should be specified in the copy/ad itself to prevent consumers from being misled into thinking the offer applies to all products for that merchant. Offers that use seasonal messaging should only be used during the relevant promotional period, such as “Mother’s Day offers”, “Easter Deals” or “Back-to-School offers.” If the offer has a start and end date, those dates should be provided in the copy or offer terms and conditions. The landing page for the offer must also include any additional exclusions, limitations, or terms that are necessary for the consumer to be fully informed regarding what is being offered. 

Any and all advertising claims should be truthful, not deceptive or likely to deceive a consumer, accurate and substantiated. False or misleading claims are not acceptable. Advertisers may be asked to provide third-party substantiation to support certain claims. Klarna advises against using aggressive language or language that creates a sense of urgency for purchasing, such as “Hurry” or “Offer ends soon.” Consumers should not be encouraged to spend outside of their means. The ad should further not suggest or imply that a product is available if that product is not actually available at that time, or sold out.

Advertisers may not falsely claim or imply affiliation with another business, government entity, manufacturer, or association.

All ad components must be accurate and relevant to the ultimate offer.

Landing pages must lead to a fully functional web page that renders properly on all devices.

Landing pages must directly relate to both the ad text and the product that is ultimately offered to consumers.

Don’t mislead users with the ad text, image or video, or the “sponsored by” label or any combination of the elements.

Images or videos must be relevant, recognizable, and appropriate to the advertised product. There should be a clear, simple, and logical link between the supplied image or video and the ad message to users.

Klarna’s primary payment products are designed for users over the age of 18. Klarna does not permit the intentional serving of advertisements to consumers known to be under 18.

A clear and concise CTA should be used to inform the consumer of the expected user journey after clicking on the ad. A CTA is not always required when on the Klarna website or mobile app, however it is advised for larger placements, such as hero placements or larger banners that have less restrictive space. 

All copy and CTAs in ads shall be in the primary language of the locale in which they appear. All copy should use proper grammar and spelling. 

Any announcement of a price reduction/discount for a specific product should follow applicable laws and indicate the prior price. The prior price means the lowest price available for that product during a period of time not shorter than 30 days prior to the application of the price reduction or any period required by applicable law in the jurisdiction where the advertisement appears.

Promotion of credit or other financial services is strictly prohibited on all Klarna Properties.

If an ad includes a deal or promotion, the essential terms and conditions for such a deal or promotion should be clearly and conspicuously presented either in the ad itself, or available on the landing page one click away. Essential terms and conditions may include the maximum available discount amount, minimum spending limit, or restrictions on available dates, and any other information which could affect the consumer’s decision to make a purchase. 

It should be clear that the ad is an advertisement and marked respectively so consumers understand that this is a paid placement. When adding a specific disclosure to an ad to clarify a claim, always ensure any such disclosure is prominent and easy for a consumer to understand and includes all significant conditions.

Klarna offers its products and services to consumers who are older than 18. Therefore, ads and disclosures must be directed at the consumers 18+ years old. 

The following products or services are prohibited from being promoted in any advertisement or shown in any content: 

  • Escort or prostitution services
  • Fat burners
  • Counterfeit goods such as knockoff products, brand-name replicas, or goods wrongfully advertised as authentic 
  • Fertility clinics and fertility research
  • Payment services considered to be competitors of Klarna or any credit products or other financial services.
  • Practices and methods abusing trading for tax fraud or tax evasion
  • Pyramid schemes
  • Illegal or sensitive pharmaceutical or drug products or services
  • Medical procedures
  • Tobacco and tobacco-related products
  • Alcohol and alcohol-related products
  • Weapons, including knives (but excluding kitchen knives and cutlery)
  • Psychics, spiritual or religious services
  • Tattooing or body branding
  • Trade with protected animals or plants or products originating from protected animals or plants
  • Services designed to promote infringements of intellectual property rights, e.g. by bonus programs for uploading unauthorized digital content and unauthorized file sharing or streaming
  • Unauthorized ticket reselling
  • UV tanning equipment or services
  • Digital downloads promoting illegal or unethical services
  • Nutraceuticals claiming unrealistic results. 
  • Dual use products, which may have a legitimate use, but also an illegitimate use (e.g. global positioning satellites, missiles, nuclear technology, chemical and biological tools, night vision technology, thermal imaging, some models of drones, aluminum pipes with precise specifications or certain kinds of ball bearings)
  • Self diagnosis test for diseases
  • Financial products or services, such as investment services, financial advice, money services incl. money transfer, currency exchange, virtual, digital or crypto currencies (e.g. Bitcoin), binary options
  • Gambling, betting and lotteries
  • Firearms and ammunition
  • Diet Pills and regimens
  • Personals for dating services 

Ads shall not include any of the following, regardless of whether the product or service being promoted is permitted under Klarna marketing guidelines:

  • Aggressive marketing, including messaging which suggests the product or service being advertised is a necessity, or that the consumer is obligated or will be at a serious disadvantage if they do not purchase the product or service.
  • Any person shown to be in a potentially dangerous situation, such as someone holding a weapon or an unattended child standing near the edge of a cliff.
  • Any imagery or messaging that is targeted directly to children under the age of 18.
  • Any imagery or messaging targeted at those with mental or medical health conditions. 
  • Express or implied claims about environmental benefits. 
  • Business practices that may cause brand or reputational harm to Klarna. 
  • The objectification of a person in a sexual manner to sell a product or service.
  • Imagery that can be considered cruel or abusive, such as the mistreatment of animals or humans.
  • Content that glamorizes the use of drugs, cigarettes, cigars, tobacco or excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Excessive violence or visual gore, such as blood or serious physical injury.
  • Exploitation or depiction of sensitive events, such as pandemics, natural disasters, wars or conflicts, or incidents of mass suffering.
  • Imagery or messaging that could be considered to be invasive to another person's privacy.
  • Any content or campaigns for or against a politician or political party or messaging targeted towards a particular political affiliation.
  • Content that infringes upon or violates the intellectual property rights of any third party. 
  • Content relating to controversial topics or current events.
  • Content that may be considered offensive or implying or attempting to generate a negative self-image. 
  • Outbound or inbound tele-marketing.
  • Pornography, nudity, or sexually explicit content.
  • Use of obscene language, including purposefully obscured profanity, such as “S*#T” or commonly known acronyms such as “WTF”.
  • Use of promotions that do not meet professional and business standards (e.g. gimmicky use of words, numbers, letters, punctuation, or symbols such as FREE, f-r-e-e, and F₹€€!!) 
  • Advocating or demeaning a religion or use of religious symbols.
  • Discriminative content towards race, color, national origin, religion, disability, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age or similar category.
  • Content which is false or likely to mislead or deceive consumers, promises or suggests unrealistic outcomes,  or violates consumer protection laws.
  • Content that spreads misinformation, disinformation, or conspiracy theories 
  • Content featuring the unlawful use of workforce, including tax evasion.
  • Advertising content that potentially encourages imitation of unsafe, inappropriate or otherwise illegal behavior. 
  • Defamatory, libelous, or slanderous content and any misleading information. 
  • Ads must not disclose anyone’s personal data, network identity information, such as usernames, passwords, password protection answers, or a user's personal digital certificates. 

Some of business practices are forbidden to be performed since it might affect Klarna’s reputation, business structure and, the most important, its consumers:

  • Abusing Klarna Ads Services (setting manipulation, circumvention of Klarna policies).
  • Online tracking technologies, such as web beacons, tracking pixels, etc., are strictly disallowed unless previously approved. Compliance with online privacy regulations and industry standards is required. It is entirely your responsibility as an advertiser to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
  • Promotion of products or services that are designed to enable dishonest behavior (e.g. hacking, fishing, blackmail, or ads that inappropriately incentivize downloads or the manipulation, filtering or faking of reviews, feedback, taps, or downloads).
  • Advertisers may not process individuals’ personal data without an appropriate legal basis or process it in any other unlawful manner. Personal data should be handled with appropriate care and security measures in place.

Market specific restrictions may be found here.

In case of any external complaints from consumers or requests from authorities, merchants must immediately notify Klarna to investigate the risks and take mitigating measures if needed. The mitigation measures include Klarna’s right to cancel/remove the ad which breaches current laws and regulations or infringes third party rights. 

For all complaints, please reach out to your Klarna merchant representative, advertising service provider, advertising agency, or Klarna customer service at merchant@klarna.com.