Use Klarna’s sample business data to test the Management API and Payments API, ensuring compliance by avoiding real Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
This section contains sample data you can use to perform the testing of your integration in the Klarna test environment and complete the Test cases section in the Klarna test environment.
In order to test the Management API, you need to type of business data:
Parameter | Sample |
given_name | John |
family_name | Doe |
email | |
phone | +18445527621 |
Paremeter | Sample |
business_name | John Doe LLC |
business_entity_type | LIMITED_LIABILITY_COMPANY |
registration_authority | Ohio |
registration_name | 12345678 |
tax_registration_number | 999-999-999 |
financial_registration_number | 123-456-789 |
Parameter | Sample |
street_address | 800 N. High St |
street_address2 | Ste. 400 |
postal_code | 43215 |
city | Columbus |
region | OH |
country | US |
If you decide to use any other data, do NOT use Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Data in the test environment is not treated as real PII.
To test the standard approved and denied payment flows in Klarna Payment Services use this data.
To test different payment methods use this data.