You can integrate Express button into your mobile app.
Express button solution has been deprecated.Express button solution has been deprecated. If you're interested in the a Express Checkout experience for Klarna payments, you can learn about our new solution Klarna Express CheckoutKlarna Express Checkout
The integration steps for mobile apps differ depending on the technology you use.
Not sure which integration option to choose? Read more about the differences between native and hybrid integration or consult your Klarna delivery manager.
Add Express button to your native Android or iOS app.
To integrate Express button into your native app, follow the Android native integration guide.
To integrate Express button into your native app, follow the iOS native integration guide.
Add Express button to your cart or product page that lives inside a WebView.
1. Link the app's WebView to Klarna's In-App SDK following the Android hybrid integration guide.
2. Follow the web integration guide to integrate Express button into your store's WebView page.
1. Link the app's WebView to Klarna's In-App SDK following the iOS hybrid integration guide.
2. Follow the web integration guide to integrate Express button into your store's WebView page.