Klarna Partner Product API - Payment (v2/r6)

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Full set of resources to manage the end-to-end lifecycle of a payment.

Payment Authorize API

The Payment Authorize API allows you to authorize payment transactions.

Authorize a payment transaction.

Authorize a payment transaction

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that process payments for tokenized customers, including recurring and on-demand transactions.Customer Token Charge
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are essential for a Partner to process payments with KlarnaTransactions Critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available for testing purposes only in the Klarna Production environment and should not be use to process real transactionsTest-only

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (accounts.model_AccountIdentifier)

Identifier of the Account the action is done on behalf of

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
validation-info: Validation that is a valid krn
header Parameters
string (KlarnaIdempotencyKey) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

This header ensures operation idempotency. Use a unique key, ideally a UUID (version 4 or higher). Retries of requests are safe to be applied in case of errors such as network errors, socket errors and timeouts.

string (InteroperabilityToken)

The interoperability token enables continuity of customer journey across domains and services. If you are an Acquiring Partner, you receive this token from your merchant.

Example: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzaG9wcGluZ19zZXNzaW9uX2lkIjoia3JuOnNob3BwaW5nOmV1MTpzZXNzaW9uOjBlOTIyN2MwLTBjNDAtNDdkZi04YzEwLTQwMTRmYzFiZDJiZCIsInN0YXR1cyI6IlBBWU1FTlRfUFJFUEFSRUQiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoxLCJjcmVhdGVkX2F0IjoiMjAyNC0wMS0wMVQxMjowMDowMFoiLCJ1cGRhdGVkX2F0IjoiMjAyNC0wMS0wMVQxMjowMDowMFoifQ.1y87kuEKnETy_UCHbTMXx1p4mViZE816okcVmfHFZoo
string (PaymentToken) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

The payment token represents a customer approval for payment.

It is issued when a Klarna Payment Request is completed.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:payment-token:e15432a5-ebcc-45bc-934c-e61399db597b
validation-info: Field must be between 1 and 255 characters in length (inclusive)

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: application/json
string (Currency) ^[A-Za-z]{3}$

Currency in ISO 4217 format.

validation-info: There is validation that the provided value is a valid currency. There is no validation that the we have pricing for the given currency.
string <serialized-json> (InteroperabilityData) [ 1 .. 10240 ] characters

This field should be used for any additional interoperability data sent by your Integrating Partner.

validation-info: Field interoperability_data must be between 1 and 10240 characters in length (inclusive)
object (SupplementaryPurchaseData)

Additional information that provide more detailed information about the transaction, which helps reduce the risk of fraud and enhances transparency

validation-info: Validation that it is an object.
object (RequestPaymentTransaction)

Represents a request to authorize a payment transaction.

validation-info: Validates that the `amount` is present if `request_payment_transaction` is provided.
object (PaymentRequestAuthorizeStepUpConfiguration)

Configuration properties for enabling the customer-present step-up flow

validation-info: Validation that customer_interaction_methods is provided

The authorization result.

Inspect payment_transaction_response.result to see the outcome. If any of the results is STEP_UP_REQUIRED, a payment_request is created which allows the customer to approve.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Forbidden, insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on the resource.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Conflict, there was a conflict in using the resource. Idempotency violation or concurrent updates to a resource occurred.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

postWebhook callback
Request samples

Minimal payment authorization of a previously created payment request.

  • "currency": "USD",
  • "request_payment_transaction": {
Response samples

Shows an approved payment authorization response

  • "payment_transaction_response": {
Callback payload samples
POST: Webhook callback

The payment request has been submitted to Klarna.

  • "metadata": {
  • "payload": {

Payment Request API

The Payment Request API allows you to create and manage payment requests for one-off purchases.

Create a server-to-server payment request

Create a server-to-server payment request.

The payment request will have the state SUBMITTED.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that handle all aspects of a Payment Request, including creation, retrieval, updates, and deletion.Payment Request
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are essential for a Partner to process payments with KlarnaTransactions Critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available for testing purposes only in the Klarna Production environment and should not be use to process real transactionsTest-only

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

Identifier of the Account the action is done on behalf of

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
query Parameters
Array of strings (PaymentRequestInclude)

A comma-separated list of sub-resources to include in the response.

  • headless_interaction - Refers to the Headless Interaction state which is created when HEADLESS customer interaction method is selected
Items Value: "headless_interaction"
header Parameters
string (InteroperabilityToken)

The interoperability token enables continuity of customer journey across domains and services. If you are an Acquiring Partner, you receive this token from your merchant.

Example: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzaG9wcGluZ19zZXNzaW9uX2lkIjoia3JuOnNob3BwaW5nOmV1MTpzZXNzaW9uOjBlOTIyN2MwLTBjNDAtNDdkZi04YzEwLTQwMTRmYzFiZDJiZCIsInN0YXR1cyI6IlBBWU1FTlRfUFJFUEFSRUQiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoxLCJjcmVhdGVkX2F0IjoiMjAyNC0wMS0wMVQxMjowMDowMFoiLCJ1cGRhdGVkX2F0IjoiMjAyNC0wMS0wMVQxMjowMDowMFoifQ.1y87kuEKnETy_UCHbTMXx1p4mViZE816okcVmfHFZoo

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: application/json
string (Currency) ^[A-Za-z]{3}$

Currency in ISO 4217 format.

validation-info: There is validation that the provided value is a valid currency. There is no validation that the we have pricing for the given currency.
integer <int64> (PaymentAmount) [ 1 .. 2147483647 ]

Total amount of a one-off purchase, including tax and any available discounts. The value should be in non-negative minor units. Eg: 25 Dollars should be 2500. This is the amount that Klarna will charge the customer for a one-off purchase. Should not include any amounts for subscriptions.

Invariant: amount = sum(line_items[].total_line_amount)

validation-info: Validation that it is 10 digits max, up to 2^31-1. That is >= 0. Validation that is equal to line_items.total_amount.
string (PaymentRequestReference) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Reference to the payment session or equivalent resource created on your side. This will be exposed in payment request webhooks (payment.request.*) for the purpose of correlating your resource with the Klarna Payment Request.

validation-info: Validation for the length
string <serialized-json> (InteroperabilityData) [ 1 .. 10240 ] characters

This field should be used for any additional interoperability data sent by your Integrating Partner.

validation-info: Field interoperability_data must be between 1 and 10240 characters in length (inclusive)
object (SupplementaryPurchaseData)

Additional information that provide more detailed information about the transaction, which helps reduce the risk of fraud and enhances transparency

validation-info: Validation that it is an object.
Array of objects = 1 items

Payment initiation methods that describes how to launch the purchase flow.

validation-info: Validation that ensures that the array has a min and max size of 1.
string (PaymentOptionId) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Specifies a payment option to be pre-selected in the purchase flow.

The available payment_option_id can be obtained from the Payment Options API.

validation-info: Field must be between 1 and 255 characters in length (inclusive)

Payment request created


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

postWebhook callback
Request samples

Minimum payment request for a 10 USD purchase

Response samples
Callback payload samples
POST: Webhook callback

The payment request has been submitted to Klarna.

  • "metadata": {
  • "payload": {

Read the state of a Payment Request

Allows you to read the state of a payment request.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that handle all aspects of a Payment Request, including creation, retrieval, updates, and deletion.Payment Request
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are essential for a Partner to process payments with KlarnaTransactions Critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available for testing purposes only in the Klarna Production environment and should not be use to process real transactionsTest-only

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

Identifier of the Account the action is done on behalf of

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentRequestId) <= 255 characters

The Payment Request ID to read

Example: krn:payment:eu1:request:552603c0-fe8b-4ab1-aacb-41d55fafbdb4
query Parameters
Array of strings (PaymentRequestInclude)

A comma-separated list of sub-resources to include in the response.

  • headless_interaction - Refers to the Headless Interaction state which is created when HEADLESS customer interaction method is selected
Items Value: "headless_interaction"
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]

Payment request object


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

Request samples
Response samples

Update a Payment Request

Allows you to update a payment request that is in the state SUBMITTED.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that handle all aspects of a Payment Request, including creation, retrieval, updates, and deletion.Payment Request
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are essential for a Partner to process payments with KlarnaTransactions Critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available for testing purposes only in the Klarna Production environment and should not be use to process real transactionsTest-only

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

Identifier of the Account the action is done on behalf of

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentRequestId) <= 255 characters

The Payment Request ID to update

Example: krn:payment:eu1:request:552603c0-fe8b-4ab1-aacb-41d55fafbdb4
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: application/json
string (Currency) ^[A-Za-z]{3}$

Currency in ISO 4217 format.

validation-info: There is validation that the provided value is a valid currency. There is no validation that the we have pricing for the given currency.
integer <int64> (PaymentAmount) [ 1 .. 2147483647 ]

Total amount of a one-off purchase, including tax and any available discounts. The value should be in non-negative minor units. Eg: 25 Dollars should be 2500. This is the amount that Klarna will charge the customer for a one-off purchase. Should not include any amounts for subscriptions.

Invariant: amount = sum(line_items[].total_line_amount)

validation-info: Validation that it is 10 digits max, up to 2^31-1. That is >= 0. Validation that is equal to line_items.total_amount.
string (PaymentRequestReference) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Reference to the payment session or equivalent resource created on your side. This will be exposed in payment request webhooks (payment.request.*) for the purpose of correlating your resource with the Klarna Payment Request.

validation-info: Validation for the length
string <serialized-json> (InteroperabilityData) [ 1 .. 10240 ] characters

This field should be used for any additional interoperability data sent by your Integrating Partner.

validation-info: Field interoperability_data must be between 1 and 10240 characters in length (inclusive)
object (SupplementaryPurchaseData)

Additional information that provide more detailed information about the transaction, which helps reduce the risk of fraud and enhances transparency

validation-info: Validation that it is an object.
string (PaymentOptionId) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Specifies a payment option to be pre-selected in the purchase flow.

The available payment_option_id can be obtained from the Payment Options API.

validation-info: Field must be between 1 and 255 characters in length (inclusive)

Payment Request updated


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Conflict, there was a conflict in using the resource. Idempotency violation or concurrent updates to a resource occurred.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

Request samples
  • "currency": "USD",
  • "amount": 2000,
  • "payment_request_reference": "partner-payment-reference-12345",
  • "interoperability_data": "string",
  • "supplementary_purchase_data": {
  • "payment_option_id": "string"
Response samples

Cancel payment request

Allows you to cancel a payment request.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that handle all aspects of a Payment Request, including creation, retrieval, updates, and deletion.Payment Request
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are essential for a Partner to process payments with KlarnaTransactions Critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available for testing purposes only in the Klarna Production environment and should not be use to process real transactionsTest-only

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

Identifier of the Account the action is done on behalf of

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentRequestId) <= 255 characters

The Payment Request ID to cancel

Example: krn:payment:eu1:request:552603c0-fe8b-4ab1-aacb-41d55fafbdb4
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]

Payment request object


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Conflict, there was a conflict in using the resource. Idempotency violation or concurrent updates to a resource occurred.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

Request samples
Response samples

Shows a canceled payment request.

  • "payment_request_id": "krn:payment:eu1:request:552603c0-fe8b-4ab1-aacb-41d55fafbdb4",
  • "state": "CANCELED",
  • "state_reason": "PARTNER_CANCELED",
  • "currency": "USD",
  • "amount": 1000,
  • "state_context": { },
  • "expires_at": "2024-01-02T13:00:00Z",
  • "created_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
  • "updated_at": "2024-01-01T13:00:00Z",
  • "customer_interaction_methods": []

Payment Dispute API

The Payment Dispute API allows you to create and manage payment disputes.

List Disputes

Retrieve a list of Disputes, segregated by a variety of filter parameters

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that enable access to all dispute-related functionalities, including retrieval, updates, and resolution.Disputes
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are outside the scope of both Transaction Critical and Transaction Non-critical OperationsAdditional Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available for testing purposes only in the Klarna Production environment and should not be use to process real transactionsTest-only

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

Identifier of the Account the action is done on behalf of

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
query Parameters
Array of strings

Product Instance IDs to filter by

Example: payment_product_instance_id=krn:partner:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918
Array of strings (PaymentTransactionId)

Payment Transaction IDs to filter by

Example: payment_transaction_id=krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0
Array of strings (PaymentDisputeState)

States of disputes to filter by

Array of strings (PaymentDisputeReason)

Dispute reason to filter by

Array of strings
Default: ["opened_at"]

Specifies in which order to sort the results. Then results are ordered in ascending order if not prefixed by a - which orders by descending order.

Items Enum: "deadline_expires_at" "-deadline_expires_at" "opened_at" "-opened_at"
Array of strings (PurchaseReference)

Merchant References to filter by

Example: purchase_references=merchant-order-9876
Array of strings <date-time> (Timestamp)

Used to filter by dispute open dates. Only disputes created after (including) the supplied value will be returned.

Example: opened_at_start=2024-01-01T12:00:00Z
Array of strings <date-time> (Timestamp)

Used to filter by dispute open dates. Only disputes created before (excluding) the supplied value will be returned.

Example: opened_at_end=2024-01-01T12:00:00Z
Array of strings <date-time> (Timestamp)

Used to filter by dispute close dates. Only disputes closed after (including) the supplied value will be returned.

Example: closed_at_start=2024-01-01T12:00:00Z
Array of strings <date-time> (Timestamp)

Used to filter by dispute close dates. Only disputes closed before (excluding) the supplied value will be returned.

Example: closed_at_end=2024-01-01T12:00:00Z
integer <int32>

Limits the number of items to be returned. If omitted, the default page size will be used.

Example: size=20

A cursor used in pagination, referring to a specific item. The last_item returned from a previous call can be used here. The next page will list items after this item. Cannot be used together with ending_before. If both starting_after and ending_before are omitted, the first page will be returned.

Example: starting_after=Zpq6F3mDYtwK8
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]

A paginated list of authorized disputes


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Forbidden, insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on the resource.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.

Request samples
Response samples
  • "disputes": [
  • "pagination": {

Get Dispute Details

Fetch a fully detailed version of a Dispute, including all the associated requests and responses.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that enable access to all dispute-related functionalities, including retrieval, updates, and resolution.Disputes
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are outside the scope of both Transaction Critical and Transaction Non-critical OperationsAdditional Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available for testing purposes only in the Klarna Production environment and should not be use to process real transactionsTest-only

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

Identifier of the Account the action is done on behalf of

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE

ID of dispute to fetch

header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]

Complete dispute with all requests and responses


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.

postDispute state changed webhook callback
postDispute updated webhook callback
Request samples
Response samples
  • "payment_dispute_id": "krn:payment:eu1:dispute:faulty-products:266091",
  • "dispute_reason": "PRODUCTS_FAULTY",
  • "previous_state": "MERCHANT_EVIDENCE_PENDING",
  • "payment_transaction_id": "krn:payment:eu1:authorization:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0",
  • "purchase_reference": "f420e0e1-971b-417a-8ece-2626387eff36",
  • "payment_product_instance_id": "krn:partner:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918",
  • "dispute_details": {
  • "merchant_evidence": [
  • "config": {
  • "created_at": "2020-04-15T08:31:00Z",
  • "updated_at": "2020-05-09T08:31:00Z",
  • "arbitration_started_at": "2020-05-08T00:00:00Z"
Callback payload samples

A payment dispute has just been submitted to Klarna.

  • "metadata": {
  • "payload": {

Accept dispute loss

Accept the loss of a dispute, which will be closed with the chargeback activation

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that enable access to all dispute-related functionalities, including retrieval, updates, and resolution.Disputes
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are outside the scope of both Transaction Critical and Transaction Non-critical OperationsAdditional Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available for testing purposes only in the Klarna Production environment and should not be use to process real transactionsTest-only

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

Identifier of the Account the action is done on behalf of

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE

ID of dispute to accept loss for

header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]

Loss was accepted successfully


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


The dispute is not in a state where the loss can be accepted. Read the error details for further information.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.

Request samples
Response samples
  • "error_id": "5a3f6b9c-9b3b-4b7e-8f9d-9b9a4b9a4b9a",
  • "error_type": "INPUT_ERROR",
  • "error_code": "INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE",
  • "error_message": "The received input is not valid JSON.\nUnterminated string at 19 [character 20 line 1].\n"

Upload merchant evidence attachment

Uploads merchant attachment to be linked to a dispute response. File size limit is 7MB.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that enable access to all dispute-related functionalities, including retrieval, updates, and resolution.Disputes
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are outside the scope of both Transaction Critical and Transaction Non-critical OperationsAdditional Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available for testing purposes only in the Klarna Production environment and should not be use to process real transactionsTest-only

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

Identifier of the Account the action is done on behalf of

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE

ID of dispute for which the request to add response to belongs

header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data

Name of a file to upload

validation-info: Validation that is not null and is a valid string
string <binary>

File contents

validation-info: Validation that is not null and is a valid string

Attachment uploaded successfully


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Forbidden, insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on the resource.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.

Request samples
Response samples
  • "payment_dispute_attachment_id": "krn:payment:eu1:dispute:256947:attachment:3"

Respond to merchant evidence request

Respond to merchant evidence request.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that enable access to all dispute-related functionalities, including retrieval, updates, and resolution.Disputes
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are outside the scope of both Transaction Critical and Transaction Non-critical OperationsAdditional Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available for testing purposes only in the Klarna Production environment and should not be use to process real transactionsTest-only

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

Identifier of the Account the action is done on behalf of

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE

ID of dispute for which the request to add response to belongs

header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: application/json

Response to add to request

One of:

Merchant response to a dispute where the customer claims that the products were faulty


Free-text string with additional information about the dispute response

Array of objects (PaymentDisputeRespondToEvidenceRequestPayloadAttachment)

List of evidence provided by the merchant to support the dispute response.


Dispute's evidence request response was submitted successfully


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Forbidden, insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on the resource.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


The dispute is not in a state where a response can be submitted.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.

Request samples

Responding to an evidence request with request type 'RETURN_NOT_REFUNDED'

  • "additional_information": "Additional free text information",
  • "created_at": "2020-05-08T08:32:14Z",
  • "attachments": [
  • "details": {
Response samples
  • "response_id": "krn:payment:eu1:dispute:266092:request:1:response:1",
  • "created_at": "2020-05-09T09:32:18Z",
  • "additional_information": "Additional free text information",
  • "attachments": [
  • "details": {

Payment Transaction API

The Payment Transaction API allows you to create and manage payment transactions.

Read Payment Transaction

Request to retrieve the details of a payment transaction. A payment transaction encapsulates crucial details such as the authorized amount, currency, line items and shipping information.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that allow read access to transaction management, e.g. enabling retrieval of payment transaction details.Read-only Payment Transaction
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that does not directly impact the core purchasing process in real-time and enables supplemental or secondary featuresTransactions Non-critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available in the Klarna Production environmentAvailable

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

The unique identifier of the account for which the action is performed.

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentTransactionId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment transaction.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0
validation-info: Validation for the length
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]

Payment Transaction has been successfully retrieved.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

postWebhook: Payment funding state-change
Request samples
Response samples

Shows a payment transaction that has been created but not yet acted upon.

  • "payment_transaction_id": "krn:payment:us1:transaction:4b8b6350-6b72-42c5-b946-f088adcdc216",
  • "currency": "USD",
  • "amount": 2100,
  • "payment_transaction_reference": "payment-transaction-reference-1234",
  • "payment_funding": {
  • "supplementary_purchase_data": {
  • "payment_captures": [ ],
  • "payment_refunds": [ ],
  • "payment_chargebacks": [ ],
  • "state": "AUTHORIZED",
  • "state_reason": "AUTHORIZED",
  • "created_at": "2024-01-01T13:00:00Z",
  • "expires_at": "2024-01-29T13:00:00Z",
  • "original_authorization_amount": 2100,
  • "remaining_authorization_amount": 2100,
  • "customer_profile": {
  • "settlement_currency": "USD",
  • "payment_pricing": {
Callback payload samples
POST: Webhook: Payment funding state-change

Shows a payment funding pending webhook.

  • "metadata": {
  • "payload": {

Update Payment Transaction

Request to update details of a payment transaction.

The update operation should be performed when there is a need to change either the payment_transaction_reference or the purchase_reference. These fields are essential for aligning your internal records with Klarna's transaction records and ensuring accurate tracking and reconciliation.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that support the creation and modification of payment transactions, including submission and updates.Payment Transaction General
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that does not directly impact the core purchasing process in real-time and enables supplemental or secondary featuresTransactions Non-critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available in the Klarna Production environmentAvailable

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

The unique identifier of the account for which the action is performed.

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentTransactionId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment transaction.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0
validation-info: Validation for the length
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: application/json

Supplementary information for the purchase that helps reduce the risk of fraud, enhances transparency, and improves the customer's post-purchase experience.

validation-info: tbd
string (PaymentTransactionReference) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Reference to the payment or equivalent resource created on your side. This will be exposed in the Payment Transaction webhooks for the purpose of correlating your resource with the Klarna Payment Transaction.

validation-info: Validation for the length

Payment Transaction has been successfully updated.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

Request samples

Update purchase reference and payment transaction reference

  • "supplementary_purchase_data": {
  • "payment_transaction_reference": "new-payment-transaction-reference-1234"
Response samples

Shows a payment transaction that has been updated prior to completion.

  • "payment_transaction_id": "krn:payment:us1:transaction:4b8b6350-6b72-42c5-b946-f088adcdc216",
  • "payment_transaction_reference": "new-payment-transaction-reference-1234",
  • "amount": 2100,
  • "currency": "USD",
  • "supplementary_purchase_data": {
  • "payment_captures": [ ],
  • "payment_refunds": [ ],
  • "payment_chargebacks": [ ],
  • "state": "AUTHORIZED",
  • "state_reason": "AUTHORIZED",
  • "created_at": "2024-01-01T13:00:00Z",
  • "updated_at": "2024-01-02T13:00:00Z",
  • "expires_at": "2024-01-29T13:00:00Z",
  • "original_authorization_amount": 2100,
  • "remaining_authorization_amount": 2100,
  • "customer_profile": {
  • "payment_funding": {
  • "settlement_currency": "USD",
  • "payment_pricing": {

Reauthorize Payment Transaction

Request to reauthorize a payment transaction.

The reauthorize operation is necessary when the amount, line_items, or shipping details are changed. This ensures that the payment transaction is reauthorized with the up-to-date details and can be completed without any issues. Note that the reauthorization operation is subject to a second risk assessment and may be rejected.

Additionally, reauthorization should be performed when the existing authorization is close to expiry, and the payment will not be completed within the current authorization period. This will provide sufficient time to complete the payment transaction without any issues. Be aware that a payment transaction is deemed to be CLOSED 7 days following the expiry and cannot be reauthorized thereafter.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that support the creation and modification of payment transactions, including submission and updates.Payment Transaction General
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that does not directly impact the core purchasing process in real-time and enables supplemental or secondary featuresTransactions Non-critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available in the Klarna Production environmentAvailable

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

The unique identifier of the account for which the action is performed.

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentTransactionId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment transaction.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0
validation-info: Validation for the length
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: application/json
integer <int64> (PaymentAmount) [ 1 .. 2147483647 ]

Total amount of a one-off purchase, including tax and any available discounts. The value should be in non-negative minor units. Eg: 25 Dollars should be 2500. This is the amount that Klarna will charge the customer for a one-off purchase. Should not include any amounts for subscriptions.

Invariant: amount = sum(line_items[].total_line_amount)

validation-info: Validation that it is 10 digits max, up to 2^31-1. That is >= 0. Validation that is equal to line_items.total_amount.

Supplementary information for the purchase that helps reduce the risk of fraud, enhances transparency, and improves the customer's post-purchase experience.

validation-info: tbd
integer <int64> [ 1 .. 180 ]

The number of days by which the payment authorization period will be extended. If the transaction is expired, the extension_days are added to the current date. Otherwise, the extension_days are added to the current expires_at date.

The new expiration date is calculated using the formula max(current_date, expires_at) + extension_days.

A payment transaction cannot have an authorization period longer than 360 days, and any attempt to extend beyond that period will be rejected.

Constraint: max(current_date, expires_at) + expiration_days <= created_at + '360 days'

validation-info: tbd

The reauthorization of the payment transaction has been processed.

Note that this does not indicate successful reauthorization; it may have been rejected. You should check the result field for the final outcome.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Forbidden, insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on the resource.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

postWebhook: Payment transaction state-change
Request samples

Reauthorize payment transaction with new payment amount and line items

Response samples

Shows a payment transaction that has been reauthorized and waiting for further actions.

  • "result": "AUTHORIZED",
  • "payment_transaction": {
Callback payload samples
POST: Webhook: Payment transaction state-change

Shows a payment transaction authorized webhook.

  • "metadata": {
  • "payload": {

Capture Payment Transaction

Request to capture a payment transaction. The capture should be performed in conjunction with the shipment of the purchased goods. Upon successful completion, the process of settling the funds with the merchant will commence.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that support the creation and modification of payment transactions, including submission and updates.Payment Transaction General
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that does not directly impact the core purchasing process in real-time and enables supplemental or secondary featuresTransactions Non-critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available in the Klarna Production environmentAvailable

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

The unique identifier of the account for which the action is performed.

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentTransactionId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment transaction.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0
validation-info: Validation for the length
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: application/json
integer (PaymentCaptureAmount) [ 0 .. 2147483647 ]

The amount of the capture including tax and any available discounts. The value should be in non-negative minor units. Eg: 25 Dollars should be 2500. If not specified, a capture for the remaining_authorization_amount will be performed.

Invariant: capture_amount = sum(line_items[].total_amount)

validation-info: tbd
string (PaymentCaptureReference) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Reference to the capture or equivalent resource created on your side. This will be exposed in the Payment Transaction webhooks and included in the settlement file.

validation-info: tbd
object (SupplementaryCaptureData)

Supplementary information for the capture that enhances transparency and improves the customer's post-purchase experience.

validation-info: tbd

Payment Transaction has been successfully captured.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Forbidden, insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on the resource.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

postWebhook: Payment transaction state-change
postWebhook: Payment transaction captured
Request samples

Shows a capture request with capture amount and line items

Response samples

Shows a successful payment capture response

Callback payload samples

Shows a payment transaction authorized webhook.

  • "metadata": {
  • "payload": {

Refund Payment Transaction

Request to refund a payment transaction.

The refund should be performed when customers return the purchased items. Upon successful completion, the process of returning the funds to the customer will commence, and the merchant's settlement balance will be adjusted accordingly.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that support the creation and modification of payment transactions, including submission and updates.Payment Transaction General
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that does not directly impact the core purchasing process in real-time and enables supplemental or secondary featuresTransactions Non-critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available in the Klarna Production environmentAvailable

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

The unique identifier of the account for which the action is performed.

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentTransactionId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment transaction.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0
validation-info: Validation for the length
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: application/json
integer [ 0 .. 2147483647 ]

The amount of the refund including tax and any available discounts. The value should be in non-negative minor units. Eg: 25 Dollars should be 2500.

Invariant: refund_amount = sum(line_items[].total_amount)

Constraint: refund_amount <= sum(captures[].capture_amount) - sum(refunds[].refund_amount)

validation-info: tbd
string (PaymentRefundReference) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Reference to the refund or equivalent resource created on your side. This will be exposed in the Payment Transaction webhooks and included in the settlement file.

validation-info: Validation for the length
object (SupplementaryRefundData)

Supplementary information for the refund that enhances transparency and improves the customer's post-purchase experience.

validation-info: tbd

Payment Transaction has been successfully refunded.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Forbidden, insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on the resource.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

postWebhook: Payment transaction refunded
Request samples

Shows a refund request with refund amount and line items

Response samples

Shows a successful response to a refund operation on a payment transaction.

Callback payload samples
POST: Webhook: Payment transaction refunded

Shows a payment transaction refunded webhook.

  • "metadata": {
  • "payload": {

Void Payment Transaction

Request to void a payment transaction.

The void operation should be performed when the payment is no longer intended to be fulfilled. Upon successful completion, any remaining authorization will subsequently be released.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that support the creation and modification of payment transactions, including submission and updates.Payment Transaction General
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that does not directly impact the core purchasing process in real-time and enables supplemental or secondary featuresTransactions Non-critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available in the Klarna Production environmentAvailable

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

The unique identifier of the account for which the action is performed.

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentTransactionId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment transaction.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0
validation-info: Validation for the length
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]

Payment Transaction has been successfully voided.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Forbidden, insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on the resource.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

postWebhook: Payment transaction state-change
Request samples
Response samples

Shows a payment transaction that has been partially captured and completed upon a void operation. Any remaining authorization has been released.

  • "payment_transaction_id": "krn:payment:eu1:transaction:bc42b6ff-b222-463c-b4b2-d8d6a82e0162",
  • "payment_transaction_reference": "payment-transaction-reference-1234",
  • "amount": 15000,
  • "currency": "EUR",
  • "payment_funding": {
  • "supplementary_purchase_data": {},
  • "payment_captures": [],
  • "payment_refunds": [ ],
  • "payment_chargebacks": [ ],
  • "state": "COMPLETED",
  • "state_reason": "VOIDED",
  • "previous_state": "AUTHORIZED",
  • "created_at": "2024-01-01T13:00:00Z",
  • "updated_at": "2024-01-02T13:00:00Z",
  • "expires_at": "2024-01-29T13:00:00Z",
  • "original_authorization_amount": 15000,
  • "remaining_authorization_amount": 0,
  • "customer_profile": {
  • "settlement_currency": "USD",
  • "payment_pricing": {
Callback payload samples
POST: Webhook: Payment transaction state-change

Shows a payment transaction authorized webhook.

  • "metadata": {
  • "payload": {

Read Payment Capture

Request to retrieve the details of a payment capture. A payment capture encapsulates crucial details such as the capture amount, line items and shipment details.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that allow read access to transaction management, e.g. enabling retrieval of payment transaction details.Read-only Payment Transaction
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that does not directly impact the core purchasing process in real-time and enables supplemental or secondary featuresTransactions Non-critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available in the Klarna Production environmentAvailable

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

The unique identifier of the account for which the action is performed.

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentCaptureId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment capture.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0:capture:1
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]

Payment Capture has been successfully retrieved.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

Request samples
Response samples

Shows a successful payment capture response


Refund Payment Capture

Request to refund a payment capture.

The refund should be performed when customers return the purchased items. Upon successful completion, the process of returning the funds to the customer will commence, and the merchant's settlement balance will be adjusted accordingly.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that support the creation and modification of payment transactions, including submission and updates.Payment Transaction General
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that does not directly impact the core purchasing process in real-time and enables supplemental or secondary featuresTransactions Non-critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available in the Klarna Production environmentAvailable

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

The unique identifier of the account for which the action is performed.

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentCaptureId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment capture.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0:capture:1
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: application/json
integer [ 0 .. 2147483647 ]

The amount of the refund including tax and any available discounts. The value should be in non-negative minor units. Eg: 25 Dollars should be 2500.

Invariant: refund_amount = sum(line_items[].total_amount)

Constraint: refund_amount <= sum(captures[payment_capture_id].capture_amount) - sum(refunds[payment_capture_id].refund_amount)

validation-info: tbd
string (PaymentRefundReference) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Reference to the refund or equivalent resource created on your side. This will be exposed in the Payment Transaction webhooks and included in the settlement file.

validation-info: Validation for the length
object (SupplementaryRefundData)

Supplementary information for the refund that enhances transparency and improves the customer's post-purchase experience.

validation-info: tbd

Payment Capture has been successfully refunded.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Forbidden, insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on the resource.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

postWebhook: Payment transaction refunded
Request samples

Shows a refund request with refund amount and line items

Response samples

Shows a successful response to a refund operation on a payment capture.

  • "payment_refund_id": "krn:payment:eu1:transaction:bc42b6ff-b222-463c-b4b2-d8d6a82e0162:refund:1",
  • "payment_capture_id": "krn:payment:eu1:transaction:bc42b6ff-b222-463c-b4b2-d8d6a82e0162:capture:1",
  • "payment_refund_reference": "refund-reference-123",
  • "refund_amount": 5000,
  • "refunded_at": "2024-01-02T13:00:00Z",
  • "supplementary_refund_data": {}
Callback payload samples
POST: Webhook: Payment transaction refunded

Shows a payment transaction refunded webhook.

  • "metadata": {
  • "payload": {

Read Payment Refund

Request to retrieve the details of a payment refund. A payment refund encapsulates crucial details such as the refund amount and line items.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that allow read access to transaction management, e.g. enabling retrieval of payment transaction details.Read-only Payment Transaction
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that does not directly impact the core purchasing process in real-time and enables supplemental or secondary featuresTransactions Non-critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available in the Klarna Production environmentAvailable

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

The unique identifier of the account for which the action is performed.

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentRefundId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment refund.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0:refund:1
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]

Payment refund has been successfully retrieved.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

Request samples
Response samples

Shows a successful response to a refund operation on a payment transaction.


Read Payment Chargeback

Request to retrieve the details of a payment chargeback. A payment chargeback encapsulates crucial details such as the chargeback amount and chargeback reason.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that allow read access to transaction management, e.g. enabling retrieval of payment transaction details.Read-only Payment Transaction
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that does not directly impact the core purchasing process in real-time and enables supplemental or secondary featuresTransactions Non-critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is available in the Klarna Test environmentAvailable
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is available in the Klarna Production environmentAvailable

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (AccountIdentifier)

The unique identifier of the account for which the action is performed.

Example: krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE
string (PaymentChargebackId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment chargeback.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0:chargeback:1
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]

Payment chargeback has been successfully retrieved.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

postWebhook: Payment transaction chargeback
Request samples
Response samples

Shows a payment chargeback created as a result of dispute merchant loss.

  • "payment_dispute_id": "krn:payment:eu1:transaction:f9669608-a24d-43ef-9f34-ec3d785dc1ae:dispute:1",
  • "payment_chargeback_id": "krn:payment:eu1:transaction:f9669608-a24d-43ef-9f34-ec3d785dc1ae:chargeback:1",
  • "chargeback_amount": 5000,
  • "chargeback_reason": "DISPUTE_ARBITRATION_LOST",
  • "chargeback_at": "2024-01-02T13:00:00Z",
  • "line_items": []
Callback payload samples
POST: Webhook: Payment transaction chargeback

Shows a payment transaction chargeback webhook.

  • "metadata": {
  • "payload": {

Card Settlements API

Create a card settlement for a payment transaction.

Request to create a card settlement for a payment transaction.

Upon successful completion, the card settlement is created and all the card info are returned to the caller.

The payment_transaction_id input body parameter acts as the idempotency key of the request. If multiple requests are made with the same payment_transaction_id, only the first request will be processed and the subsequent requests will return the same card settlement.

SLO Category: The SLO Service Category. Operations that support the creation and modification of payment transactions, including submission and updates.Payment Transaction General
SLA Service Class: The SLA Service Class this operation is classified at when evaluating SLA compliance. Operations, webhooks and other services that are essential for a Partner to process payments with KlarnaTransactions Critical Services
Lifecycle Stage: The Lifecycle Stage tag in operations and attributes defines completeness of the feature for usage Feature under development, may not be fully available and is subject to change as we continue building the service in partnership with early usersEarly Release
Availability in Test environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Test environment Feature is not available in the Klarna Test environmentNot available
Availability in Production environment: Indicates if the feature is available in the Klarna Production environment Feature is not available in the Klarna Production environmentNot available

Securityklarna_api_key and klarna_partner_account
path Parameters
string (PaymentTransactionId) <= 255 characters

The unique identifier of the payment transaction.

Example: krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0
validation-info: Validation for the length
header Parameters

Metadata about the integrator and originators of the request in n object, serialized as a valid JSON

Example: object=[object Object]
Request Body schema: application/json
string (CardSettlementReference) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Reference to the card settlement or equivalent resource created on your side.

validation-info: Validation for the length

Card Settlement was created successfully.


Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.


Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.


Forbidden, insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation on the resource.


Not Found, the requested resource was not found.


Too Many Requests, the request was rate limited.


Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.


Service Temporarily Unavailable, the system is temporarily unavailable to process the request.

Request samples

Valid Card Settlement creation payload.

  • "card_settlement_reference": "partner-card-settlement-12345"
Response samples

Card Settlement creation response.

  • "card_settlement_id": "krn:partner:us1:payment:card-settlement:5cd46f7e-573d-4b02-bab8-1f1c0e343291",
  • "card_settlement_reference": "partner-card-settlement-12345",
  • "payment_transaction_id": "krn:payment:eu1:transaction:6debe89e-98c0-486e-b7a5-08a4f6df94b0",
  • "card": {