
Klarna’s APIs and SDKs allow acquiring partners to offer Klarna as a payment method for multiple merchants. They provide the functionality to initiate, authorize, and fully manage payment transactions on behalf of merchants. For merchants, Klarna’s APIs offer a simple and flexible way to initiate, authorize, and manage payments made with Klarna payment methods on a website, mobile app, or in a physical store.

For testing and development, you can use our APIs in a test environment, which does not affect your live data or interact with your backend systems and other networks. The API keys used for authentication are linked to the environment type, meaning test keys will only work in the test environment, while production keys will only work in the live environment.

This API reference provides details on available endpoints and how to interact with them. To learn more about integrating the Klarna API, visit our documentation.


Please ensure you are using the latest version of the API and SDK in the sidebar:

Release 6

  • Availability test: February 19, 2025
  • Availability production: planned - April 1, 2025

Release 5

  • Availability test: November 12, 2024
  • Availability production: December 16, 2024
Feature Suite
All APIs mTLS for API authentication
Disputes API List Disputes
Read Dispute
Accept dispute loss
Upload Merchant Evidence Attachment
Respond to Merchant evidence request
Supplemantary purchase data customer
Webhooks for Disputes
Webhooks for Transactions states
Webhooks for Settlements
Settlement API Get Settlements
Settlements Reports

Release 4

  • Availability test: September 2, Q4 2024
  • Availability production: October 1, 2024
Feature Suite
Mobile SDK
Supplemantary purchase data Delete a website channel
Payment descriptors via API Add a physical store channel
Payment transaction via API
Support for reauthorization
Webhooks for Payment Transactions API
Webhooks for Settlements
Boost Products
Deep Link to Klarna Portal

Release 3

  • Availability test: July 4, 2024
  • Availability production: August 1, 2024
Feature Suite
Single Global Account_ID
Partner Management API Delete a website channel
Add a physical store channel
List all physical store channels
Retrieve a physical store channel
Update a physical store channel
Delete a physical store channel
Add a mobile app channel
List all mobile app channels
Add a collection channel
Retrieve a collection channel
Delete a collection channel
Retrieve settlement information (Extra account data)
Update settlement information (Extra account data)
List all bank account information (Extra account data)
Retrieve bank account information (Extra account data)
Update bank account information (Extra account data)
Delete bank account information (Extra account data)
Create Account Group
List Account Groups
Read Account Group
Update Account Group
Delete Account Group
Add account to a group
Remove account from a group
Update a payment product on an account
Add a website channel
Update MCCs on payment products
Product instance suspended
Product instance enabled
Partner Product API: Server-Side: Shopping Session
Create shopping session
Receive shopping session
Update shopping session
Submit supplementary purchase data
Update supplementary purchase data
Partner Product API: WebSDK: Shopping Session
Create shopping session
Receive shopping session
Update shopping session
Partner Product API: Server-Side
Create payment request
Authorize Payment Request
Get a payment request state
Update a payment request
Cancel a payment confirmation token
Confirm the payment confirmation token
Confirm the payment confirmation token with auto-capture
Charge the user account token
Partner Product API: Server-Side: SPD
Delegate OTP/skip OTP based on data points received-Customer object
Partner Product API: User Account Query API
Query whether a phone number or email address has an existing Klarna account
Partner Product API: WebSDK
Request shipping address collection
Payment Transaction API
Read Payment Transaction
Update Payment Transaction: Merchant references
Void Payment Transaction
Capture Payment Transaction (Full)
Capture Payment Transaction (Partial)
Refund Payment Transaction
Refund Payment Capture
Read Payment Capture
Read Payment Refund
Ubiquity Enablement
Partner Product API: Errors
API Validation (ISO, etc)
Error Messaging
Partner Product API: Messaging API
OSM API as Payment Selector
Boost Products: Klarna Express Checkout
Inflight shipping address update
Backwards Compatibility
Backwards Compatible Pricing
ILv2 Settlements Support
Ubiquity Enablement
ILv2 - how to retreive the MID from the account_ID


  • Availability test: April 1, 2024
  • Availability production: April 15, 2024
Feature Suite
Base URL (Production) for Mgmt API
Base URL (Testing) for Mgmt API
Pre-configured MoR Credentials
Regional Partner Account IDs
Global Partner Account IDs
Partner Management API
Onboard a merchant
Disable a payments product
Enable a payments product
Register a stakeholder (Extra account data)
List all stakeholders (Extra account data)
Retrieve a stakeholder (Extra account data)
Update a stakeholder (Extra account data)
Delete a stakeholder (Extra account data)
Get Credentials
Create a credential
Disable Credential
Partner Product API: Server-Side
Return pricing to partner when confirming payment request
Return pricing to partner when reading a confirmed payment request
Create payment request (to generate a payment link)
Authorize Payment Request
Get a payment request state
Update a payment request
Cancel a payment confirmation token request
Confirm the payment confirmation token
Confirm the payment confirmation token with auto-capture
Partner Product API: WebSDK
Display Klarna button
Display checkout placement
Create payment request
Submit payment request
Authorize payment request
Get a payment request state
Update a payment request
Cancel a payment confirmation token
Payment request update SDK events
Cancel a payment confirmation token
Confirm the payment confirmation token
Confirm the payment confirmation token with auto-capture
Orders V1
Capture payment transaction
Read Payment Transaction
Webhooks Platform
Create webhook
List webhooks
Get webhook
Update a webhook
Delete webhook
Simulate a webhook
Create signing key
List signing keys
Get signing key
Delete signing key
Backwards Compatibility
Settlements API