Dec 16, 2024
V2 - Release 5
Release availability
- Availability test: November 12, 2024
- Availability production: planned - December 16, 2024
- mTLS for API authentication
- Revoke an mTLS certificate
Dispute API
- Merchant Process: List Disputes
- Merchant Process: Read Dispute
- Merchant Process: Accept dispute loss
- Merchant Process: Upload Merchant Evidence Attachment
- Merchant Process: Respond to Merchant evidence request
- Merchant Process: Generate download URL for all Merchant evidence attachments
Boost Products
- Deep Link to Klarna Portal
Compliance and Risk API
- Get all fraud decisions for a given product id
- Get decision detailed information for a given decision id
- Webhook for getting updates of fraud decisions take on product level
- payment.dispute.state-change.pre-arbitration
- payment.dispute.state-change.arbitration-pending
- payment.dispute.state-change.merchant-evidence-pending
- payment.dispute.state-change.closed
- payment.dispute.updated.disputed-amount-updated
- payment.dispute.updated.arbitration-deadline-extended
- payment.transaction.captured
- payment.transaction.chargeback
- payment.transaction.refunded
- payment.transaction.state-change.authorized
- payment.transaction.state-change.closed
- payment.transaction.state-change.completed
- payment.transaction.state-change.expired
- payment.funding.state-change.expired
- payment.funding.state-change.funded
- payment.funding.state-change.pending
- identity.customer-token.state-change.revoked
Management API
- List price plans
- Retrieve Price Plan
- Management API allows Distribution Partners to update all data related to an account with one request
- Management API allows Distribution Partners to retrieve all data related to an account with one request
- Authorize payment request
- Create payment request
- Display Klarna Payment Button
- Get a payment request state
- Payment request update SDK events
- Submit payment request
- Update a payment request
Partner Product API: Payment Request API (Structured)
- Supplementary _ purchase _ data: customer
- Supplementary _ purchase _ data: shipping
- Supplementary _ purchase _ data: ondemand _ service
- Supplementary _ purchase _ data: subscriptions
- Supplementary _ purchase _ data : lodging _ reservations
- Supplementary _ purchase _ data : insurances
- Supplementary _ purchase _ data : travel _ reservations
- Supplementary _ purchase _ data : customer _ accounts
- Supplementary _ purchase _ data : customer _ devices
- Supplementary _ purchase _ data : events
Partner Product API: Payment Request API: interoperability (Passthrough)
- interoperability _ data: line _ items
- interoperability _ data: customer
- interoperability _ data: shipping
- interoperability _ data: ondemand _ service
- interoperability _ data: subscriptions
- interoperability _ data: events
- interoperability _ data: lodging _ reservations
- interoperability _ data: insurances
- interoperability _ data: travel _ reservations
- interoperability _ data: customer _ accounts
- interoperability _ data: customer _ devices
- Support interoperability _ data field as part of interoperability object
Partner Product API: Server-Side: Tokenization
- Include payment _ pricing object in charge token response
- Introspect a customer token
Shopping Session API
- supplementary _ details: ondemand _ service
- supplementary _ details: shipping
- supplementary _ details: subscriptions
- supplementary _ details: events
- supplementary _ details: insurances
- supplementary _ details: lodging _ reservations
- supplementary _ details: travel _ reservations
- Get transactions for a settlement
- Settlement details (CSV , JSON)
- Settlement reports sent to SFTP
- Report available from API
V1 - Release 5
Release availability
- Availability test: November 12, 2024
- Availability production: planned - December 16, 2024
October 1, 2024
V1 - Release 4
Release availability
- Availability test: September 2, Q4 2024
- Availability production: October 1, 2024
Mobile SDK
- Supplementary purchase data
- Delete a website channel
- Payment descriptors via API
- Add a physical store channel
- Payment transaction via API
- Support for reauthorization
- Webhooks for Payment Transactions API
- Webhooks for Settlements
- Deep Link to Klarna Portal
August 1, 2024
V1 - Release 3
Release availability
- Availability test: July 4, 2024
- Availability production: August 1, 2024
- Single Global Account_ID
Management API
- Delete a website channel
- Add a physical store channel
- List all physical store channels
- Retrieve a physical store channel
- Update a physical store channel
- Delete a physical store channel
- Add a mobile app channel
- List all mobile app channels
- Add a collection channel
- Retrieve a collection channel
- Delete a collection channel
- Retrieve settlement information (Extra account data)
- Update settlement information (Extra account data)
- List all bank account information (Extra account data)
- Retrieve bank account information (Extra account data)
- Update bank account information (Extra account data)
- Delete bank account information (Extra account data)
- Create Account Group
- List Account Groups
- Read Account Group
- Update Account Group
- Delete Account Group
- Add account to a group
- Remove account from a group
- Update a payment product on an account
- Add a website channel
- Update MCCs on payment products
- Product instance suspended
- Product instance enabled
Shopping Session, Server-Side
- Create shopping session
- Receive shopping session
- Update shopping session
- Submit supplementary purchase data
- Update supplementary purchase data
Shopping Session, WebSDK
- Create shopping session
- Receive shopping session
- Update shopping session
Partner Product API: Server-Side
- Create payment request
- Authorize Payment Request
- Get a payment request state
- Update a payment request
- Cancel a payment confirmation token
- Confirm the payment confirmation token
- Confirm the payment confirmation token with auto-capture
- Charge the user account token
- Delegate OTP/skip OTP based on data points received-Customer object
Partner Product API: User Account Query API
- Query whether a phone number or email address has an existing Klarna account
Partner Product API: WebSDK
- Request shipping address collection
Payment Transaction API
- Read Payment Transaction
- Update Payment Transaction: Merchant references
- Void Payment Transaction
- Capture Payment Transaction (Full)
- Capture Payment Transaction (Partial)
- Refund Payment Transaction
- Refund Payment Capture
- Read Payment Capture
- Read Payment Refund
Settlements API
- Ubiquity Enablement
Messaging API
- OSM API as Payment Selector
Klarna Express Checkout
- Inflight shipping address update
- API Validation (ISO, etc)
- Error Messaging
Backwards Compatibility
- Backwards Compatible Pricing
- ILv2 Settlements Support
- Ubiquity Enablement
- ILv2 - how to retreive the MID from the account _ ID
June 3, 2024
V1 - Release 2
Release availability
- Availability test: May 1, 2024
- Availability production: June 3, 2024
Management API
- Add a website channel
- Fetch account information (Extra account data)
- Fetch all distribution profiles
- Fetch business information (Extra account data)
- Fetch merchants payments product
- Get merchant account
- List all collection channels
- Update a collection channel
- Update a website channel
- Update account information (Extra account data)
- Update business information (Extra account data)
- Update merchant account
Partner Management API: Pricing Engine
- Pricing engine properly returns pricing information on confirm payment request, read transactions and settlements.
Partner Product API: Server-Side
- Cancel the payment request
- Cancel the payment request
- payment.request.state-change.expired
- payment.request.update
- Payments webhook for canceling a payment request before confirmation token
- Orders API renamed to Transactions API
Backwards Compatibility
- Klarna Payments API
- Order Management API
April 15, 2024
V1 - Release 1
Release availability
- Availability test: April 1, 2024
- Availability production: April 15, 2024
- Base URL (Production) for Mgmt API
- Base URL (Testing) for Mgmt API
- Pre-configured MoR Credentials
- Regional Partner Account IDs
- Global Partner Account IDs
Management API
- Onboard a merchant
- Disable a payments product
- Enable a payments product
- Register a stakeholder (Extra account data)
- List all stakeholders (Extra account data)
- Retrieve a stakeholder (Extra account data)
- Update a stakeholder (Extra account data)
- Delete a stakeholder (Extra account data)
- Get Credentials
- Create a credential
- Disable Credential
Partner Product API: Server-Side
- Return pricing to partner when confirming payment request
- Return pricing to partner when reading a confirmed payment request
- Create payment request (to generate a payment link)
- Authorize Payment Request
- Get a payment request state
- Update a payment request
- Cancel a payment confirmation token request
- Confirm the payment confirmation token
- Confirm the payment confirmation token with auto-capture
- Display Klarna button
- Display checkout placement
- Create payment request
- Submit payment request
- Authorize payment request
- Get a payment request state
- Update a payment request
- Cancel a payment confirmation token
- Payment request update SDK events
- Cancel a payment confirmation token
- Confirm the payment confirmation token
- Confirm the payment confirmation token with auto-capture
- canMakePayment()
- Capture payment transaction
- Read Payment Transaction
- payment.request.state-change.pending-confirmation
- payment.request.state-change.authorized
- payment.request.state-change.cancelled
- Create webhook
- List webhooks
- Get webhook
- Update a webhook
- Delete webhook
- Simulate a webhook
- Create signing key
- List signing keys
- Get signing key
- Delete signing key
Backwards Compatibility
- Settlements API