Create a new credential
Credential created
Bad Request
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "description": "Test Client Credentials",
- "type": "CLIENT",
- "environment": "TEST"
{- "credential_id": "376e67bb-8171-4dba-b330-9130dd0798e4",
- "description": "Test Client Credentials",
- "type": "CLIENT",
- "environment": "TEST",
- "client_id": "klarna_test_client_cADfmmYgMtpcgVi9toAaPXeCktHS2TKS7UrWxvxtWdCVq3uLpQXZVSPZNWEcLACDpvHZVmCWeFVD44fygezrVNU4ta9jdAR4H3evwjCKTTaRAs2sQDHSpN2TMzWVwrVpoZPacgTTVhXiWrNsXp23aEvdiLi"
List all credentials associated with the current account
Credentials found
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "credentials": [
- {
- "credential_id": "376e67bb-8171-4dba-b330-9130dd0798e4",
- "description": "Test Client Credentials",
- "type": "CLIENT",
- "environment": "TEST",
- "client_id": "klarna_test_client_cADfmmYgMtpcgVi9toAaPXeCktHS2TKS7UrWxvxtWdCVq3uLpQXZVSPZNWEcLACDpvHZVmCWeFVD44fygezrVNU4ta9jdAR4H3evwjCKTTaRAs2sQDHSpN2TMzWVwrVpoZPacgTTVhXiWrNsXp23aEvdiLi"
}, - {
- "credential_id": "54d136f6-e224-4e89-9c99-a2c904b7adb2",
- "description": "Test API Credentials",
- "type": "API",
- "environment": "TEST"
Disable a Credential.
No Content
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "error_id": "1653c9db-454b-4222-8265-4c7ca209f630",
- "error_type": "ACCESS_ERROR",
- "error_code": "UNAUTHORIZED",
- "error_message": "The presented credentials failed authentication"
A Payment Distribution has a set of pre-defined profiles that can be used when handling Payment Products. An account onboarded to a Payment Product needs to have one Distribution Profile associated with it.
Fetches all payments distribution product profile, which can be selected to be used on a new Payment Product onboarding.
Payment Distribution Profiles retrieved
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
[- {
- "distribution_profile_id": "krn:partner:global:account:distribution-profile:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "price_plan_id": "krn:partner:global:pricing:payments:price-plan:171080e7-2637-4675-a224-ec032723ebdf"
The onboard API allows the authenticated Account to create a fully functional account with associated business entity, product, websites etc.
Onboard a new merchant. This request creates all necessary entries to have a fully functional account for the merchant.
Merchant account created
Bad Request
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "account_name": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "account_owner": {
- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+18445527621"
}, - "products": [
- {
- "distribution_profile_id": "krn:partner:global:account:distribution-profile:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "type": "PAYMENT",
- "merchant_category_code": "5411"
{- "account_id": "krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE",
- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "account_name": "Merchant ABC US",
- "state_reason": "INITIAL_SETUP"
The webhook is triggered once the distribution partner's account state changes.
{- "metadata": {
- "event_type": "partner.account.state-change.operational",
- "event_id": "d9f9b1a0-5b1a-4b0e-9b0a-9e9b1a0d5b1a",
- "event_version": "v1",
- "occurred_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
- "correlation_id": "2d1557e8-17c3-466c-924a-bbc3e91c2a02",
- "account_id": "krn:partner:account:live:2AIMNWR6IYZVD",
- "product_instance_id": "krn:partner:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918",
- "webhook_id": "krn:partner:global:notification:webhook:120e5b7e-abcd-4def-8a90-dca726e639b5",
- "live": true
}, - "payload": {
- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "state": "OPERATIONAL",
- "previous_state": "PARTIALLY_OPERATIONAL"
The Accounts API allows the authenticated Partner to create, read, manage the different Accounts it has access to.
Read all details from a Account which the acting Account has read access on.
Optionally, include additional sub-resources in the response by using the expand
query parameter. The expand
parameter accepts a comma-separated list of supported sub-resource names. Each specified sub-resource will be included in the response if available. Maximum of 10 sub-resources can be expanded per request.
Account details
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "account_id": "krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE",
- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "account_name": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "account_group_reference": "all-john-doe-restaurants",
- "account_group_id": "krn:partner:global:account:group:b0ac4fb5-2975-4417-ae76-f2ac86fb6c6d",
- "account_owner": {
- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+18445527621"
}, - "state": "OPERATIONAL",
- "state_reason": "SETUP_COMPLETE"
Update details from an Account which the acting Account has write access on.
Account details
Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "account_name": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "account_owner": {
- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+18445527621"
{- "account_id": "krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE",
- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "account_name": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "account_group_reference": "all-john-doe-restaurants",
- "account_group_id": "krn:partner:global:account:group:b0ac4fb5-2975-4417-ae76-f2ac86fb6c6d",
- "account_owner": {
- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+18445527621"
- "state_reason": "ACCOUNT_UPDATE"
The Accounts API allows the authenticated Partner to create, read, manage the Payment Products on an Account.
Obtains a list of all payment products associated with the account
List of payment products
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
[- {
- "product_id": "krn:partner:global:account:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918",
- "type": "PAYMENT",
- "distribution_profile_id": "krn:partner:global:account:distribution-profile:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "merchant_category_code": "5411",
- "state": "ENABLED",
- "state_reason": "APPROVED"
Update information from a given payment product associated with the account.
Payment product information updated successfully.
Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "merchant_category_code": "5411"
{- "distribution_profile_id": "krn:partner:global:account:distribution-profile:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "type": "PAYMENT",
- "merchant_category_code": "5411"
Suspends the Payment Product on an account for the given reason
Sub account suspended
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "reason": "FRAUD",
- "reason_details": "Fraudulent activity detected"
{- "product_id": "krn:partner:global:account:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918",
- "type": "PAYMENT",
- "distribution_profile_id": "krn:partner:global:account:distribution-profile:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "merchant_category_code": "5411",
- "state": "DISABLED",
- "state_reason": "FRAUD_BY_PARTNER",
- "state_context": {
- "reason_details": "string"
The webhook is triggered once the distribution partner's account payment product is disabled.
{- "metadata": {
- "event_type": "partner.account.product.payment.state-change.disabled",
- "event_id": "ca26e2cf-3a82-4f28-94b7-c8152c253e69",
- "event_version": "v1",
- "occurred_at": "2024-02-01T12:00:00Z",
- "correlation_id": "9395886a-ee2a-4d98-8e9f-29f56a8333c4",
- "account_id": "krn:partner:account:live:2AIMNWR6IYZVD",
- "product_instance_id": "krn:partner:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918",
- "webhook_id": "krn:partner:global:notification:webhook:0a6f5f86-55bc-49ca-9fdc-ae981e09a76b",
- "live": true
}, - "payload": {
- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "state": "DISABLED",
- "previous_state": "ENABLED"
Revert suspension of the Payment Product on an account.
Sub account suspension reverted
Bad Request
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "product_id": "krn:partner:global:account:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918",
- "type": "PAYMENT",
- "distribution_profile_id": "krn:partner:global:account:distribution-profile:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "merchant_category_code": "5411",
- "state": "ENABLED",
- "state_reason": "APPROVED"
The webhook is triggered once the distribution partner's account payment product is enabled.
{- "metadata": {
- "event_type": "partner.account.product.payment.state-change.enabled",
- "event_id": "097c5096-30ca-4ea2-b1c9-471af9faa75c",
- "event_version": "v1",
- "occurred_at": "2024-02-01T12:00:00Z",
- "correlation_id": "1d2b7048-d57f-4d33-befd-35afc770d087",
- "account_id": "krn:partner:account:live:2AIMNWR6IYZVD",
- "product_instance_id": "krn:partner:product:payment:1c68af3c-5436-4344-bd98-67b708de7662",
- "webhook_id": "krn:partner:global:notification:webhook:d7e6d320-5efc-4562-b050-5c719764ec66",
- "live": true
}, - "payload": {
- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "state": "ENABLED",
- "previous_state": "DISABLED"
Suspends the Payment Product on an account for the given reason
Sub account suspended
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "reason": "FRAUD",
- "reason_details": "Fraudulent activity detected"
{- "product_id": "krn:partner:global:account:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918",
- "type": "PAYMENT",
- "distribution_profile_id": "krn:partner:global:account:distribution-profile:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "merchant_category_code": "5411",
- "state": "DISABLED",
- "state_reason": "FRAUD_BY_PARTNER",
- "state_context": {
- "reason_details": "string"
The webhook is triggered once the distribution partner's account payment product is disabled.
{- "metadata": {
- "event_type": "partner.account.product.payment.state-change.disabled",
- "event_id": "ca26e2cf-3a82-4f28-94b7-c8152c253e69",
- "event_version": "v1",
- "occurred_at": "2024-02-01T12:00:00Z",
- "correlation_id": "9395886a-ee2a-4d98-8e9f-29f56a8333c4",
- "account_id": "krn:partner:account:live:2AIMNWR6IYZVD",
- "product_instance_id": "krn:partner:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918",
- "webhook_id": "krn:partner:global:notification:webhook:0a6f5f86-55bc-49ca-9fdc-ae981e09a76b",
- "live": true
}, - "payload": {
- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "state": "DISABLED",
- "previous_state": "ENABLED"
Revert suspension of the Payment Product on an account.
Sub account suspension reverted
Bad Request
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "product_id": "krn:partner:global:account:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918",
- "type": "PAYMENT",
- "distribution_profile_id": "krn:partner:global:account:distribution-profile:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "merchant_category_code": "5411",
- "state": "ENABLED",
- "state_reason": "APPROVED"
The webhook is triggered once the distribution partner's account payment product is enabled.
{- "metadata": {
- "event_type": "partner.account.product.payment.state-change.enabled",
- "event_id": "097c5096-30ca-4ea2-b1c9-471af9faa75c",
- "event_version": "v1",
- "occurred_at": "2024-02-01T12:00:00Z",
- "correlation_id": "1d2b7048-d57f-4d33-befd-35afc770d087",
- "account_id": "krn:partner:account:live:2AIMNWR6IYZVD",
- "product_instance_id": "krn:partner:product:payment:1c68af3c-5436-4344-bd98-67b708de7662",
- "webhook_id": "krn:partner:global:notification:webhook:d7e6d320-5efc-4562-b050-5c719764ec66",
- "live": true
}, - "payload": {
- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "state": "ENABLED",
- "previous_state": "DISABLED"
Onboard an existing merchant to Management API. This request overwrites all existing data with the new data provided.
Merchant account created
Bad Request
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "account_name": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "account_owner": {
- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+18445527621"
}, - "products": [
- {
- "merchant_id": "K123456",
- "type": "PAYMENT",
- "merchant_category_code": "5411"
{- "account_id": "krn:partner:global:account:live:LWT2XJSE",
- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "account_name": "Merchant ABC US",
- "state_reason": "INITIAL_SETUP"
The webhook is triggered once the distribution partner's account state changes.
{- "metadata": {
- "event_type": "partner.account.state-change.operational",
- "event_id": "d9f9b1a0-5b1a-4b0e-9b0a-9e9b1a0d5b1a",
- "event_version": "v1",
- "occurred_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
- "correlation_id": "2d1557e8-17c3-466c-924a-bbc3e91c2a02",
- "account_id": "krn:partner:account:live:2AIMNWR6IYZVD",
- "product_instance_id": "krn:partner:product:payment:ad71bc48-8a07-4919-a2c1-103dba3fc918",
- "webhook_id": "krn:partner:global:notification:webhook:120e5b7e-abcd-4def-8a90-dca726e639b5",
- "live": true
}, - "payload": {
- "account_reference": "M123786123412",
- "state": "OPERATIONAL",
- "previous_state": "PARTIALLY_OPERATIONAL"
The Accounts API allows the authenticated Partner to create, read, manage the Web Domains channel on an Account.
Fetch all website channels of an account
Website channel found
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
[- {
- "website_id": "krn:partner:global:account:channel:website:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "website_name": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "website_reference": "999888777",
- "channel_collection_reference": "online-stores",
- "channel_collection_id": "krn:partner:global:account:channel:collection:cad7a851-8f59-47ed-8b1f-e1d61a0e817c"
Update a website channel from an account
Website channel updated
Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "website_name": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "website_reference": "999888777",
- "channel_collection_reference": "online-stores",
- "channel_collection_id": "krn:partner:global:account:channel:collection:cad7a851-8f59-47ed-8b1f-e1d61a0e817c"
{- "website_id": "krn:partner:global:account:channel:website:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "website_name": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "website_reference": "999888777",
- "channel_collection_reference": "online-stores",
- "channel_collection_id": "krn:partner:global:account:channel:collection:cad7a851-8f59-47ed-8b1f-e1d61a0e817c"
The Accounts API allows the authenticated Partner to create, read, manage the Collections channel on an Account.
Fetch all collection channels of an account
Collection channel found
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
[- {
- "collection_id": "krn:partner:global:account:channel:collection:cad7a851-8f59-47ed-8b1f-e1d61a0e817c",
- "collection_reference": "online-stores",
- "branding": {
- "element": {
}, - "support_contact": {
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+18445527621",
}, - "social_media_links": [
Update a collection channel from an account
Collection channel updated
Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "collection_reference": "online-stores",
- "branding": {
- "element": {
}, - "support_contact": {
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+18445527621",
}, - "social_media_links": [
{- "collection_id": "krn:partner:global:account:channel:collection:cad7a851-8f59-47ed-8b1f-e1d61a0e817c",
- "collection_reference": "online-stores",
- "branding": {
- "element": {
}, - "support_contact": {
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+18445527621",
}, - "social_media_links": [
The Accounts API allows the authenticated Partner to provide additional information for a given merchant, e.g the IP address used by the merchant when signing up for an account with the partner and the corresponding timestamp
Fetch the account information
Business information found
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "account_created_from_ip": "",
- "account_created_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
Update the account information of an existing account
Account information updated
Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Account information can only be set once
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "account_created_from_ip": "",
- "account_created_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
{- "account_created_from_ip": "",
- "account_created_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
The Accounts API allows the authenticated Partner to provide additional detailed business information for a given merchant, for example the business registration address and registration number.
Fetch the business information for the account
Business information found
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "business_name": "John Doe LLC",
- "business_entity_type": "LIMITED_LIABILITY_COMPANY",
- "registration_authority": "Ohio",
- "registration_number": "12345678",
- "tax_registration_number": "999-999-999",
- "financial_registration_number": "12345678",
- "operating_address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "OH",
- "country": "US"
}, - "registration_address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "OH",
- "country": "US"
Update the business information of an existing account
Business information updated
Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "business_name": "John Doe LLC",
- "business_entity_type": "LIMITED_LIABILITY_COMPANY",
- "registration_authority": "Ohio",
- "registration_number": "12345678",
- "tax_registration_number": "999-999-999",
- "financial_registration_number": "12345678",
- "operating_address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "OH",
- "country": "US"
}, - "registration_address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "OH",
- "country": "US"
{- "business_name": "John Doe LLC",
- "business_entity_type": "LIMITED_LIABILITY_COMPANY",
- "registration_authority": "Ohio",
- "registration_number": "12345678",
- "tax_registration_number": "999-999-999",
- "financial_registration_number": "12345678",
- "operating_address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "OH",
- "country": "US"
}, - "registration_address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "OH",
- "country": "US"
The Accounts API allows the authenticated Partner to create, read, manage the Beneficiary Information on an Account.
Register a stakeholder on an existing account
Stakeholder registered
Bad Request
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "US-OH",
- "country": "US"
}, - "date_of_birth": "1970-01-01",
- "national_identification": {
- "number": "123-456-7890",
- "country": "US"
}, - "roles": [
{- "stakeholder_id": "krn:partner:global:account:stakeholder:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "US-OH",
- "country": "US"
}, - "date_of_birth": "1970-01-01",
- "national_identification": {
- "number": "123-456-7890",
- "country": "US"
}, - "roles": [
Fetch all stakeholders on an account
Stakeholders found
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
[- {
- "stakeholder_id": "krn:partner:global:account:stakeholder:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "US-OH",
- "country": "US"
}, - "date_of_birth": "1970-01-01",
- "national_identification": {
- "number": "123-456-7890",
- "country": "US"
}, - "roles": [
Retrieve a stakeholder from an existing account
Stakeholder found
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "stakeholder_id": "krn:partner:global:account:stakeholder:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "US-OH",
- "country": "US"
}, - "date_of_birth": "1970-01-01",
- "national_identification": {
- "number": "123-456-7890",
- "country": "US"
}, - "roles": [
Update a stakeholder on an account
Stakeholder updated
Bad Request
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "US-OH",
- "country": "US"
}, - "date_of_birth": "1970-01-01",
- "national_identification": {
- "number": "123-456-7890",
- "country": "US"
}, - "roles": [
{- "stakeholder_id": "krn:partner:global:account:stakeholder:206bbb83-9b6e-46fa-940d-337153c04a58",
- "given_name": "John",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "address": {
- "street_address": "800 N. High St",
- "street_address2": "Ste. 400",
- "postal_code": "43215",
- "city": "Columbus",
- "region": "US-OH",
- "country": "US"
}, - "date_of_birth": "1970-01-01",
- "national_identification": {
- "number": "123-456-7890",
- "country": "US"
}, - "roles": [
Remove a given stakeholder from an account
Stakeholder removed
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "error_id": "1653c9db-454b-4222-8265-4c7ca209f630",
- "error_type": "ACCESS_ERROR",
- "error_code": "UNAUTHORIZED",
- "error_message": "The presented credentials failed authentication"
The Accounts API allows the authenticated Partner to share the settlement information for a given merchant which Klarna would solely use for KYB (Know Your Business) purposes.
Retrieve the settlement information
Settlement information found
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Not Found, the requested resource was not found.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "settlement_enabled": true,
- "settlement_enabled_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
Update settlement information
Settlement information updated
Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Not Found, the requested resource was not found.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "settlement_enabled": true,
- "settlement_enabled_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
{- "settlement_enabled": true,
- "settlement_enabled_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
Add bank account information
Bank account information added
Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "bank_account_type": "IBAN",
- "account_holder": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "bic": "NDEASEGGXXX",
- "iban": "SE4550000000058398257466"
{- "bank_account_id": "krn:partner:global:settlement-information:bank-account:56f77163-bc1b-46c8-a245-e251ff65e3d2",
- "bank_account_type": "IBAN",
- "account_holder": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "bic": "NDEASEGGXXX",
- "iban": "SE4550000000058398257466"
List all bank account information
Bank account information found
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
[- {
- "bank_account_id": "krn:partner:global:settlement-information:bank-account:56f77163-bc1b-46c8-a245-e251ff65e3d2",
- "bank_account_type": "IBAN",
- "account_holder": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "bic": "NDEASEGGXXX",
- "iban": "SE4550000000058398257466"
Retrieve a bank account information from an existing account
Stakeholder found
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "bank_account_id": "krn:partner:global:settlement-information:bank-account:56f77163-bc1b-46c8-a245-e251ff65e3d2",
- "bank_account_type": "IBAN",
- "account_holder": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "bic": "NDEASEGGXXX",
- "iban": "SE4550000000058398257466"
Update bank detail information for a given account
Bank account information updated
Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "bank_account_type": "IBAN",
- "account_holder": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "bic": "NDEASEGGXXX",
- "iban": "SE4550000000058398257466"
{- "bank_account_id": "krn:partner:global:settlement-information:bank-account:56f77163-bc1b-46c8-a245-e251ff65e3d2",
- "bank_account_type": "IBAN",
- "account_holder": "John Doe Stakehouse",
- "bic": "NDEASEGGXXX",
- "iban": "SE4550000000058398257466"
Remove bank account information from an account
Bank account information removed
Unauthorized, the request was not authorized.
Internal Server Error, there was an unexpected error in the API.
{- "error_id": "1653c9db-454b-4222-8265-4c7ca209f630",
- "error_type": "ACCESS_ERROR",
- "error_code": "UNAUTHORIZED",
- "error_message": "The presented credentials failed authentication"
The Payment Programs API allows the Partners to list their payment programs and enable an optional payment program.
The Deep-Links API allows the authenticated Account to create a deep-link for logging in to the Merchant Portal. This allows users to access the Merchant Portal temporarily, without the need for creating a new account.
Creates a deep-link to access the Merchant Portal. The link will be valid for 60 seconds and can only be used once. The user will have the access specified by the role parameter to the given Partner Account.
Deep-link successfully created
Bad Request, there was an error in the input of the request. The request can not be retried without modifications.
{- "subject": "",
- "roles": [
- "merchant:admin"
{- "deep_link_id": "krn:partner:global:portal:deep-link:0e716c0d-529c-4b9c-a413-badf5cc97294",